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'I love you too.'

She typed back and pressed sent. And she couldn't believe that she just did that. He was in his own engagement party in there, for god's sake! What was she thinking? She threw her phone beside her and again started crying. Crying, that's the only thing she was good at these days—pathetic, pathetic princess.

As she was so occupied crying, she felt the sofa beside her dip down, meaning that someone just came and took a seat beside her, probably Eliza or Dylan. The person beside her handed her a tissue, and she took it without glancing at them. No one will think to look at her except for Eliza and Dylan, who knew who exactly she felt towards that ordeal.

Moments passed, and her tears subsided when the person beside her started talking. "Why are you sitting here all alone crying?" She stiffened. That wasn't Dylan. And that definitely wasn't Eliza. She knew that voice. She knew it too well, and her body reacted to it.

She gulped and slowly turned to look at him. Her ears didn't lie, and now her eyes didn't lie as her eyes connected with his. They were just waiting there for her to say something as he watched her like a hawk. "W-what are you doing here?" She looked back where the party was taking place then back at him. "You should be in the--"

His fingers held her chin in place, forcing her eyes to look at him. "I asked you a question," His eyes turned soft as they gazed right through her anticipating her answer. "Why are you sitting here all alone crying?"Archer repeated.

He knew the answer already. If he didn't, he wouldn't have come here. He knew but wanted to hear it come out from her tempted lips. He was giving her one last chance. She can make it all right. She can if she wants to. If she was brave enough, she could do it.

She gulped, her eyes searched his toying with the idea of taking him up to his offer or not. Then she thought, what can she possibly lose anymore? She already established that she couldn't see him with anyone else and she loves him. She needs him in her life. He completes her and makes her a better person. And the worst-case scenario, he would hurt her by rejecting her as she did to him multiple times.

So, she gathered all the courage she had left in her, and with determined eyes, she caught his wrist and started her confession. "I don't want you to marry Valerie. Don't marry her, marry me." She started, and his eyes widened from her outburst. Clearly, he wasn't expecting that. "I love you. I love you so damn much that it hurts so bad every time I see you kiss or touch her." Then her both hands cuddled his face as her eyes looking straight into his to show him how much she means these words. "I was foolish, stupid, and afraid, but not anymore. I don't want you to kiss anyone but me, or touch anyone but me, or dance with anyone but me; I don't even want you to laugh with anyone but me! I am that selfish that I want you all mine!" Then she rested her forehead against his, her hand still cradling his face. "I love you. Please, will you marry me?" She was beginning to sound desperate, but it didn't matter. All it mattered was him.

Moments passed, and Archer didn't utter a single word that Bella's courage started disappearing, and in turn, her fear appeared. He seemed not going to take her back. He hated her, and at that moment, she knew she lost him.

With that last thought, she started pulling her hands away from him as his silent rejection began to settle in. But Archer seemed to be having other thoughts as his hands gripped hers pulling her back towards him, crashing his lips against hers. Bella wasn't expecting that. She wasn't expecting that, and she wasn't complaining. His lips started moving urgently with hers, expressing how much he missed her, and she didn't mind; in fact, she pulled him closer by the neck.

Slowly, he started pulling away from her as they both started panting for air. "That's all I wanted to hear." He kissed her nose. "That's all I wanted to know to make a breakthrough you and make you completely mine." Bella's lips curved into a grin mirroring his as his lips re-connected with her while pushing her slowly on the sofa as he laid on her. This time he was kissing her slowly, taking his time to devour her, to taste every inch of that tasty mouth of hers. He wanted to stretch out the moment as long as he could. Once again, he pulled away from her lips for air. "Did you really think I would marry Valerie?" He looked offended as if it was an unrealistic thought, and maybe it was. "Of all people, Valerie, really?"

"Why, weren't you?" Bella frowned, looking up at him with confusion.

"No, that was only an act to lure you," Archer revealed. "And Valerie agreed to help in hopes she ends up marrying a prince."

"You bastard!" Bella narrowed her eyes at him, falling right into his trap.

"You needed a little push, and I gave you one." He leaned down to coat his lips with hers once again, probably to take her mind off his trap, and frankly, Bella didn't mind. She was just happy that he was hers and she was his, and maybe if he didn't do what he did, she would never take that step, and they wouldn't be kissing like animals like that where anyone could come out and catch them in a very unpromising position.

"Aren't you afraid of the reporters came out?" She voiced her thoughts as he was trailing kisses down her neck.

He stops what he was doing with a teasing smile decorating his handsome face. His once neat hair all messed up from her constant gripping. "I don't care, do you?"

She scoffs at that, her eyes becoming playful. "I am the bad-ass princess in their eyes. Did you forget that?"

He laughs upon hearing that knowing exactly what kind of reputation following his woman. "The sexiest, bad-ass princess ever." He then leans towards her and, with a hoarse voice, whispers, "Did I tell how beautiful you look in that dress?"

Her fingers play with his golden locks as she replies, "No, I believe you didn't, but I am all ears."

He leans closer until his lips were teasing her ear. "You look ravishing in the dress that I want to take you out of it right now." Her body immediately reacted to that as she felt hot everywhere.

"Then what are you waiting for?" her voice was breathless as Archer took that as his cue, got off her, and lifted her bridal style, taking her completely by surprise, and she loved every bit of it.

Oblivious to the watchful eyes, they continued with their way as the two kings watched them from the window who ordered the guards a while ago to keep the reporters locked in the hall.

"Looks like we will be having a wedding and a new union among us soon, Steven." King Evans said with a content smile decorating his face. Finally, his daughter beats her fears and gets her happy ending making her parents proud from up there.

"Looking forward to it as I can't ask for a better family than yours, Evans." King Steven replied with a smile of his own.

"Likewise, Steven." King Evans nodded as King Steven patted him on the back, already feeling at peace that his son also made up his own family. "Likewise."


~~Last Chapter.~~

~~Thank you for reading and keeping up with me!~~

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