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The next morning Bella woke up extremely tired from overthinking and embarrassment.

Despite her overreacting outburst last night that she is ashamed of and kept cursing herself for being that week, her mind was actually occupied with what happened with Archer after midnight. She has woken up already very early than usual and dressed up, and was ready to head down for breakfast, but she still didn't gather the courage to face Archer after that awkward night.

It seems silly, and she knows she is childish for getting that shy, and they were actually forced to be in those awkward positions. Hence, she has nothing to worry about, but there was still something making her chicken out and act like a sweating mess every time she thinks of facing Archer today. Obviously, she can't stay and hide here all day, can she now?

So, she took a deep breath, grew some imaginary balls, and opened her bedroom door. As soon as her foot stepped outside, she was engulfed in a tight bear hug with muscular arms squeezing the life out of her. She didn't get the chance even to see who; she just moved a leg out of the room to find herself swept in a hug like that.

"I am so sorry, Bella, I am really sorry." what is he apologizing for? Bella wondered to herself.

But before she can ask anything, she needs to be freed of that so damn tight hug! "Dylan, free me now!" Bella groaned, and Dylan immediately let go of her, afraid of upsetting her more.

Scratching his neck nervously, he muttered. "S..sorry Bella.."

"Why do you keep apologizing?" Bella huffed, not liking the guilty vibes that she is receiving from Dylan. She doesn't like to see him feel that guilty and sorry, especially to her! She doesn't even know why he is acting so guilty and sorry towards her like that; she doesn't recall them being in any serious fights, nor did he do something to hurt her. He was so busy with Ashley, so what's the matter now? Bella was confused and needed answers. "Dylan, What's wrong?" She couldn't help but worry now that he still didn't give her an answer, and his eyes were looking at anything except her. Again with the guilt! "Dylan! Talk!"

He sighed then begun, "Bella, i..I am so sorry for what I said to you yesterday, even if it wasn't something major,. Still, I know you weren't in a good mood nor in the best emotional state, neither I was helping, to be honest.." he paused, looking sad and guilty again. ".. I was focusing on myself not acting as the brother, cousin nor best friend I am to you, I was neglecting all your feelings and just focusing on my happiness and selfishness. I am sorry, Bella, I really am, and I promise I won't be that selfish again and put your feelings into account. Will you forgive me?"

Bella just stood there, completely stunned. What the hell did he just say? Why is he even saying that? Why is he feeling guilty? She isn't mad at him at all, yes she was yesterday, but that's because she was already mad at the world and in a bad mood, but after she rethought everything, she noticed how much of a drama queen she was.

Out of nowhere, Bella glared at Dylan with furious eyes. As a result, Dylan's face morphed into utter confusion and arched brows. "Bella? Why--" Before he could finish his sentence, he was greeted by Bella's foot, kicking his leg, and she wasn't a normal gentle kicker! No, Bella's kicks were agonizingly painful that Dylan's leg was already numb and hurting by now.

"Why would you do that, Bella? I get you are mad at m--" This time, she punched him in the stomach. Now both his leg and stomach were hurting. "Stop hitting me!"

"Then you stop saying nonsense!" Dylan didn't get her! He always knew she was complicated but not that complicated that he didn't fucking understand her at the moment! "Why the heck would you think I am mad at you? I am not Dylan! I was just going through a lot, and it wasn't because of you! Also, you are not selfish, so stop saying that, and I am glad that you found your happiness with Ashley and that she makes you that happy. I never thought that you neglected me. It was your time for happiness, and it is the girl that you will continue your life with, so why the heck can't you have some alone and honeymoon period with her? And for fuck's sake, stop apologizing and feeling that guilty towards me; you know I don't like the people I most care about feel that way towards me."

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