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Those couple of days have been like living in heaven for Bella. She never thought that spending every single minute of her time with Archer would be that blessing and enjoyable. The smile never left her face since they compromised that deal between them, and it was the best deal she had ever cracked in her entire life as a princess who helped in political stuff.

Also, Archer kept true to his word and showed her how much she is missing from them getting together. Even though spending so much time together added to the uncontrollable strong feelings towards Bella and he was sure that if she still refused the idea of them getting together, they will both suffer more than they already are.

But he has his fingers crossed that she would finally realize at the end of that trip how much they belong to each other.

"So, what are we doing today?" With a huge grin, Bella asked Archer, who just arrived with Adrian at Eliza's.

"Adrian knows that awesome place that has the perfect view of the sunset and the whole city, so we will go there all the four of us and spend the night there. What do you think?"

Bella took a step closer to him until their chests touched and slid her hands into Archer's. "Are we driving the motorcycles?" Both Eliza and Adrian had a common interest, which was one of the main reasons that made them closer: their love for vehicles! They both came from very wealthy families, so collecting vehicles was normal for them; each one had their own garage full of different kinds and brands that will be found rare ones only those two had.

Archer gave her a cheeky smile, "if you want to." He leaned closer to her; his breath fanned her side of her face. "You know that I find you very sexy than you already are with you riding that motorcycle." His lips brushed her earlobe with each word, sending tingles through her whole body.

One of the things that they experienced together was driving motorcycles for the first time. Being the royals they are, they didn't have the chance to drive things like that and experience many things; they always had drivers and bodyguards around them. Their image in front of the media mattered a lot, and any tiny mistake they would use it against them. So when each one of them chose one of the many brands of motorcycles in their best friends' garages, they learned how to drive them and then took off to faraway deserted track located in the suburbs and began racing, messing with each other and racing against the relaxing wind enjoying their limited freedom. Only the two of them enjoyed the tiny moments together throughout, trying and sharing the simplest things ever. It was a great feeling.

"Is that so?" She breathed out, trying to control her breathing as he started leaving light kisses on her neck. "Maybe then I should be the one driving."

He lifted his head, meeting her hooded and dark gaze with his own. "Maybe you should," He slipped his arms around her waist, bringing her flush against him as she started trailing her hands up and down her strong and hard arms. "But then again, when I sit behind you, I won't be able to control my erected friend that will be pressing against your.." he squeezed her bum, and she let out a gasp with her eyes darkening more. "..and will lead in distracting you."

As Bella lost all control of her own body and was going to crash her lips against his, an annoying voice who always lead in cock-blocking her said, "Save that PDA for the bedroom lovebirds." Bella groaned, resting her forehead on Archer's shoulder as he chuckled at Eliza's antics. "And let's roll on the road." She grabbed one of her many car keys but not after a lot of thinking.

" Nice choice, love." Adrian slipped his arms around her waist from behind and gave her shoulder a peck as she grinned like a child who was just got rewarded.

"Wait," Bella's voice grabbed the couple's attention. "Why don't we take the motorcycles?" Eliza and Adrian shared a look and hesitated. "And maybe we can race and see which couple will win?" Bella added, knowing that will seal the deal as it was known that Eliza loved challenges and would never back down from one.

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