Hi Guys! I'm Back!

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Hey everyone,

I originally started this story when on July 13th, 2018, the summer I finished up my eighth-grade year and was going on to be a freshman in high school. It's been a staggering number of years since then and now I have just finished my first year of university. I know that's been a long time since I updated this book but from the time, I last updated in 2020 till now, a lot has gone on. I moved to a new city in the summer of 2019 and months later COVID-19 hit. I struggled with adjusting to a new city, away from all of my family friends and my mental health took a real hit. Soon after I threw myself into my schoolwork and kind of forgot about the fact that I had an unfinished story. I worked very hard, and eventually got accepted to my dream university to pursue a bachelor's degree of science, majoring in biology. I moved from the west coast to the east coast for university and I had such a wonderful experience. When I finished up my first year of university and was on my way home last month, I saw a notification from Wattpad, regarding my story. And I was absolutely shocked to discover that the story I started writing when I was only thirteen had garnered over 50,000 reads. Seeing so many people wanting to read this story mad me feel so proud that I decided to finish it.

However, in finishing the story, I knew I would have to rewrite the chapters to make sure it flowed well, and I could produce a final copy that I was proud. Many of the chapters I had previously written were short, had many errors, and had parts that were missing that were important to the storyline. Yes, there are aspects I have changed as I felt as they didn't fit, and there are new parts that I have added. But the story line I originally concocted remains the same. I even created a new cover page, drawn by myself using procreate to give the story even more of a revamp. Some chapters have become combined and much longer than before making the original chapter count fall from thirty to twenty-one. I have edited each of the newly written chapters to the best of my ability, but I hope that you are able to see how I've grown as a writer. The storyline is fast paced but I hope that regardless of you still enjoy reading the rewritten, completed version.

So, without further ado, I present the rewritten, completed version of The Paint On Our Skin, a Klance fanfiction.



The Paint On Our Skin (A Klance Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now