Chapter 20

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Lance groans as his eyes slowly flutter open, struggling to adjust to the harsh bright lights. Looking around the room, Lance realizes he's back in another hospital. Looking to his right, he sees vases of flowers stacked across the windowsill, filling the dismal room with a bit of colour. As he props himself up, he notices the bandages wrapped around his abdomen, reminding him of what had just occurred. He'd been kidnapped, and at the very end, Keith had been stabbed during a fight with Lotor.

"Keith!" Lance shouts as he sits straight, hissing in pain when it shoots through his abdomen.

"I'm right here, sleepy head," a voice says softly. Turning to look across the room, Lance is greeted with the sight of Keith sitting upright in a hospital bed opposite the room. He's got a smile on his face as Keith just gives him an amused look.

"We made it," Lance whispers. Keith nods.

"Yeah, it was a close one, though. If Acxa hadn't been there..."

"I would've lost you," Lance says.

"And I you," Keith says as he grits his teeth and swings his legs out of the bed.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Lance says. "You're going to hurt yourself!"

"I'll be fine! I just-I just need to be closer to you." Keith grits out as he hobbles to Lance's bed, bringing his monitor and IVs. Lance scootches over in his bed just as Keith flops beside him with labored breaths.

"You better not have torn your stitches," Lance mutters as he embraces Keith tightly. Keith just laughs and hugs Lance back. They sit like that for half an hour, just hugging one another, until a nurse walks into the room and lets out a gasp.

"Oh my god! You're awake!"

Keith and Lance untangle themselves and look at the nurse before bursting into laughter. The nurse scrambles out the door, notifying all the doctors that they are awake and making phone calls to their friends and family. Their hospital room becomes packed in a matter of minutes, with doctors and nurses checking over their vitals and stitches before Rosa and all of Lance's siblings burst through the door accompanied by Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, Allura and Krolia. Rosa bursts into tears when she sees her son awake and smiling, grabbing him into a hug with which all his siblings join. Krolia says nothing as she hugs her sons tightly, tears springing as all the stress finally leaves her body. Pidge wipes his tears and walks over to Keith's side once Krolia has let him go.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Pidge whispers as he hugs him tightly. Soon the hustle and bustle died down, and the only people left in the room were Pidge, Shiro, Hunk, Allura, Keith and Lance, as Krolia, Rosa, and Lance's siblings had all gone down to the cafeteria to get some food.

"So," Lance starts, "What happened after we passed out?"

Pidge just looks over at Shiro before sighing.

"Just as you passed out, the police and paramedics showed up. Luckily because of Axca's quick thinking, the paramedics could safely get you guys to the hospital in time." Pidge explains.

"In time for what?" Keith asks as he places his head on Lance's shoulder.

"You guys had lost a lot of blood and had to be taken into surgery to ensure no vital organs had been hit. Luckily, no organs were hit, so they ensured no contamination and controlled the bleeding." Shiro stepped into finish.

"Jeez," Lance says as he takes a deep breath, "How long were we out for?"

"About three days," Allura says.

"And what about Lotor?" Keith asks hesitantly.

"Well, he was taken in right away by the police. He was charged with kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon, and attempted homicide." Shiro says as he takes a seat at the end of the bed. "He's been denied bail and will stay in jail until trial."

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