Chapter 1

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"Keith! You're going to be late!"

Keith groaned as he turned away from the sunlight bleeding threw the half-open blinds of his window as he picked up his phone.

"Shit!" Keith exclaimed as he shot off the bed and stumbled towards his closet. School started in less than twenty minutes, and Keith knew he could only run so fast. With lightning speed, he dressed in what could only be described as hobo chic, consisting of sweatpants, a primarily clean black t-shirt and his favourite red hoodie, before rushing down the stairs. As he reached the bottom, he flung his backpack off the banister and over his should before slipping on his shoes.


Keith looked over his shoulder to see his mom standing beside him, holding a plate full of toast.

"This is the third time you've slept through your alarm this week."

Keith huffed before grabbing a slice of toast from his mom.

"I know; it doesn't even go off at this point." He says as he takes a bite of the toast.

"Well, have a good day of school and for the love of god, please let this be a day without fights; just stay away from Lance," she says with a small smile.

Keith gives her a small smile, opens the front door, and starts to make his way to school, but not before turning to smile at his mom.

"I'll try, Mom, but you know I attract trouble."

All Krolia can do is roll her eyes as her son waves goodbye and closes the door before making a mad dash toward the high school. He weaves through the sidewalks and sprints across roads as he makes his way towards the hallowed halls of Voltron Public High School, the morning school bell ringing in the distance, notifying him of his lateness. Eventually, Keith pushes the front doors of the school's lobby open and sprints down the hallway towards classroom 206. Bursting through the dark classroom door, only to find the entire classroom turning back to stare, his teacher standing at the front of the class with his arms crossed and an unimpressed look.

"Really, Keith? Late? This is what the third time this week?" Mr. Smith says.

"But!" Keith blurts.

"I don't care; go take your seat, please. We are starting today's class on the anatomy of the human heart."

Keith just sighs as he trudges to the opposite side of the room towards the lab bench, he shares with his best friend, Pidge Gunderson. As he throws himself into his chair, he sees Pidge giving him that signature gremlin smile.

"Alarm clock didn't go off again?" Pidge asks with a laugh.

"Well, it hasn't worked the same since you stepped on it!" Keith exclaims.

"In my defence, I could barely see your bedroom floor, and why would there even be an alarm clock on the floor?!" Pidge says before turning back to listen to Mr. Smith's lecture. Keith rolled his eyes, reached into his backpack for his notebook and pencil, and attempted to listen to Mr. Smith's droning voice. Pidge and Keith have been friends for as long as they can remember, with their mothers being friends and inevitably introducing the two. They were so close to one another that Pidge knew Keith was gay before he even told Pidge. Pidge was also the first-person Keith told that he was gay, and Keith was the first-person Pidge talked to about being transgender. Pidge officially transitioned to male in his freshman year of high school, approximately three years ago and chose to go by the name of Pidge. Now while Voltron High is an accepting school, a few still target Pidge because of his transition, and Keith has made it his responsibility to look out for him as much as possible.

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