Chapter 2

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The lunch bell rang, but Pidge and Keith didn't go to the cafeteria like everyone else. The cafeteria was too overstimulating for Keith, so Keith and Pidge routinely had their lunch in the quiet classroom.

"I'll be right back, Keith; I'm just grabbing my lunch from my locker," Pidge told him as he headed out the classroom door. Keith waves Pidge off and focuses on his notebook in front of him, where he is doodling a not-so-flattering picture of their calculus teacher, that apparently seems to hate him. Twenty minutes pass, and Keith looks up from his notebook and sees that Pidge hasn't returned, causing him to start having a real sense of dread. Deciding to trust his gut and go investigate, he places his notebook and pencil in his backpack before swinging it over his shoulder and heading towards the glass door. Suddenly, Lance appears in front of the doorway, panting and looking frantic.

"Thank fuck, I finally found you!" Lance exclaims with laboured breaths. Keith just shoots him and confused look.

"Ummm... and why were you looking for me in the first place?" he asks.

"Okay, so before you say anything or jump to conclusions, just listen to me carefully," Lance starts. "I have some bad news."

"What do you mean?" Keith asks, his voice hesitant and worried.

"So, I went to the washroom but stumbled across a confrontation between Pidge and someone else."

Keith's eyes widened with dread and fear.

"They had some choice words for Pidge, and Pidge wasn't having it, but it caused that person to lash out and attack Pidge. Pidge got really injured, but I managed to intervene, but Pidge sustained severe injuries, causing him to be taken to the hospital." Lance tells Keith in a hurried voice.


"What?" Lance asks.

"Who did this!" Keith exclaims.

"I'm not at liberty to say."

"Just tell me, god dammit!" Keith yells as he grasps the front of Lance's shirt.

"I can't... Pidge's direct order." Lance tells him in a soft voice.

"Fucking hell Pidge," Keith whispers, a shake in his voice while still gripping the front of Lance's shirt. The two of them stand there for a minute as Keith tries to get his emotions in check. Lance gently pried Keith's hands from his shirt before getting Keith's attention.

"Pidge is headed to Arus General Hospital to get checked over; thought you should know that" Lance whispers. Keith nods and lets out a big sigh.

"Thanks for telling me; I guess I should start making my way to the bus stop."

"The bus stop?"

"Yeah, my mom is working, my brother is at university, and I don't exactly have a car to get there, so the bus it is," Keith explains.

"Nah, that'll take too long. I can take you, I already explained the situation to our teachers, and they understand." Lance says as he beckons Keith to follow him.

"Thanks..." Keith says as the two of them head out of the classroom and down the hallway.

"No problem, but this is the only time I will do you a favour. It would ruin my reputation as your rival, right?" Lance says with a small smile as he gently bumps Keith's shoulder. Keith doesn't reply but gives Lance a small smile and an eye roll. Lance lets out a small laugh, and together they exit the school and head towards the student parking lot.


Keith and Lance arrive at the front doors of the Arus General Hospital, and Keith rushes out the passenger side door and towards the revolving doors.

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