Chapter 4

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Keith sat there waiting, hoping for a response. For anything at all, when suddenly Keith felt something on his arm. Looking down to see that his soulmate had responded in blue marker.

Hi there!

He was overjoyed. He had a soulmate to talk to. But his train of thought was interrupted by an outbreak of giggles from Pidge sitting beside him.

"What is it, Pidge?" Keith asks.

"Ask him how old he is! We gotta know if your soulmate is an old man!"

"We don't even know if it is a girl or boy, Pidge," Keith says.

"Well, I think it is a boy, for ma little gay boy," Pidge replies.

Keith rolls his eyes before grabbing his red marker and writing his soulmate another message.


Lance watches as red writing appears on his arm again, this time with a question.

Hey, just wondering, but how old are you?

Lance smiles and replies.

I'm 18. I'm currently a senior at Voltron High

A couple seconds later, he gets a reply back.

I'm also 18, and I'm also a senior at Voltron High!

Lance is shocked, his soulmate goes to his school, and he may have already interacted with them. Then he quickly writes,

Will you tell me your name?

After about a minute, his soulmate responds.

I'll tell you my name after I get to know you a bit more, besides we just started talking!

Lance laughs and writes back,

Okay, then, I have one question for you! Why does your writing smell like cherry?


Keith just laughed, and so did Pidge at the question his soulmate just asked. Keith looked at Pidge and asked him,

"Ya, why did you get me scented markers?"

Pidge laughs, "I got them to see if your soulmate could smell it! And turns out they can!"

Everyone just rolled their eyes and then watched as Keith wrote back.

It smells like that because my friend got me smelly markers for my birthday today to write to you with!

His soulmate then wrote,

Great idea! And happy birthday, I'll stop writing to you cause I'm guessing you're having a birthday party! Goodnight soulmate!

Keith just smiled softly.

Goodnight soulmate

Keith then set down his marker and looked back at his friends, who were all smiling like idiots.

"Well, what now?" Keith asked them.

"Let's watch a horror movie!" Pidge yells.

"Okay then, Pidge, your pick!" Keith says.

Time Skip was brought to you by Matt screaming like a little girl while watching a horror movie.

Hours later, the movie ends, and everyone but Keith falls asleep. His mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of his soulmate. Looking over at his phone, he sees it reads 2:00am. He sighs, knowing he should really go to sleep, but suddenly, he feels his arm tingling. He looks down to see an intricate design being drawn up his arm. Swirls of orange, red and yellow decorate his arm, almost as if it were magic, reminding him that somewhere, out there, his soulmate is awaiting him.

(The gif is what the design looks like, I got my inspiration for this book by it as well when I first started writing this story when I was in grade eight!)

(The gif is what the design looks like, I got my inspiration for this book by it as well when I first started writing this story when I was in grade eight!)

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