Chapter 7

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After parting from Lance and Hunk, Keith joined up with Pidge as they stopped by his locker, his face still painted with a faint blush.

"Heeeeeeeeeey," Pidge says teasingly. "Is the Keith Kogane blushing? Because of his so called rival! My word, what has the world come to!"

"Shut the fuck up Pidge," Keith mutters as his cheeks grow ever so pinker.

"Oooooooh Keith has a cruuuuush!" Pidge sings. Keith slams his locker shut and glares at Pidge.

"Just why did you have to yell down the hallway at us! I was just thanking him! And you went and called us lover boys!"

Pidge just smirks, "Well, because I am an asshole!" and skips off in front of Keith to their next class. Keith watches him skip off and shakes his head as he desperately tries to get the blush to leave his face before following after him. Together they arrive at their calculus class before the teacher at arrived and took their spots near the front of the room. Minutes later the teacher walks in and starts his lecture on derivatives and using the quotient rule and chain rule to solve them. While taking notes, Keith feels Pidge nudge his arm and start to softly sing,

"Lance and Keith sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Keith just gives him death glare as Pidge just giggles. Keith shakes his head; Pidge would be the absolute death of him.


Soon Wednesday rolls around, a couple days since the whole Pidge calling Keith and Lance "lover boys" incident. They still get on each others' nerves quite regularly but never has it escalated to fighting like it had in the past, now they are more like friendly enemies. But since the incident then they've grown closer, talking together at lunch before eventually the both of them start to blush. School has let out, and after saying goodbye to Hunk and Lance, Keith and Pidge headed over to Keith's to write a report for their chemistry class. Just as Keith had started writing the material and methods portion of his report, he feels his arm tingling. Looking down, he sees a note written in blue pen on his forearm.


His focus effectively diverted from his assignment, Keith picks up a red pen from his pencil case and quickly looks to see if Pidge was paying attention. Luckily, Pidge was distracted so he quickly replied back.


Soon his soulmate replies with a question.

Wanna play 20 questions with me?

Why not? It's not like Keith really wanted to be writing a chemistry report right now.

Sure, I'm down

Sweet, what's your favourite food?

Ice cream, Keith responds. Now my turn, what's your favourite past time?

I personally love to go swimming and surfing, particularly in the ocean. It's my favourite place to be.

Interesting, Keith normally doesn't enjoy going to the beach because he isn't the biggest fan of sand, but he as always liked admiring the way the ocean looked.

Okay, do you have any siblings? Keith's soulmate asks.

Yes, one older brother, Keith writes back, what about you?

Yep, I've got 6, and I'm the third oldest!

They continue these questions back and forth for a while until finally they get to the last question, and it's for Keith.

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