Chapter 5

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The sun was shining through the basement window when it met with Keith's closed eyes. Slowly opening his eyes, Keith quickly peeked down at his arm to see the beautiful design still running up his arm. Keith just smiled at the artwork before grabbing his phone to check the time. 9:00am and thank god it was Sunday. Looking around, Keith noticed that all of his friends except one were still sound asleep. Pidge was sitting on the couch across from him wrapped in what looked like ten blankets, typing away on his laptop.

"Morning Pidge," Keith says tiredly. Pidge just looks up and gives Keith a wave, but not before Keith notices the dark bags underneath his eyes.

"Pidge... dude, how long have you been up?" Keith asks.

"Since like four, I think? I wasn't able to fall back asleep." Pidge says with his eyes glued to his laptop.

"Oh? How come?" Keith asks, a little worried. Usually, Pidge is known to fall asleep and be the last person awake at a sleepover.

"I was stuck thinking..." Pidge whispers as he closes his laptop and looks over at Keith.

"About what?" Keith asks gently.

"About my soulmate, about if they would accept me for being transgender, or if I'm lucky enough to even have a soulmate," Pidge says quietly. Keith immediately rushes to Pidge's side as he starts to see his friend's eyes well up with tears.

"Oh Pidge... why would you even think to wonder about that! Your soulmate will be the one who loves you no matter what, it won't matter to them what you look like or what gender you identify with. They will love you for you!" Keith says as he pulls Pidge into a hug, "and if for some bizarre reason they are an absolute asshole with no taste, you've got your best friend here to kick their ass."

Pidge chuckles as he pulls away from the hug and takes off his glasses to wipe away his tears.

"Thanks Keith," Pidge whispers.

"I'm here for you Pidge, whenever you need to talk,"

Pidge nods and gives Keith a shy smile.

"Okay, well I think I'll try and get some more sleep. So, get off the couch." Pidge says with a yawn. Keith shuffles his way off the couch and back to his mattress and pile of blankets before giving one big yawn and deciding that he too will try and get some more sleep.


Lance wakes to the sun shining through his bedroom window and his younger sister, Veronica, banging on his door.

"Lance! Get your butt out of bed!" she shouts with one last pound on the door before walking off. Lance just stares up at the ceiling, smiling about the events that had just occurred last night with his soulmate. With a giddy burst of energy, he pushes himself out of bed and heads towards his closet to get ready for the day. Once all dressed in his casual Sunday lounge wear, he makes his way downstairs to find his family around the kitchen table eating breakfast. Lance's younger sister, Veronica, is thirteen and currently engrossed in something on her phone, while the twins, Marco and Luis, who are eight, are running around the kitchen table- each holding a piece of toast in their hands. And his baby sister, Isabella, who is four, is sitting in her booster seat eating away at some apple slices. Lance's older brother and sister, Nico and Sofia, no longer live with the family as they are both away staying in residence at their university. Lance quickly grabs a piece of toast from the counter next to his mom before sitting down at the table.

"Hey Mamá, is it okay if I hang out with friends for a little while today?"

Lance's mom turns from the counter where she was cutting more applies and gives her son a smile.

"Of course, hijo, but first you have to do the breakfast dishes."

"Okay Mamá," Lance replies as he takes the last bite of his toast and heads over to the sink to start the dishes. After about five minutes Lance finally finishes off the dishes and goes back to his room to message Hunk.


BakerBoy: Yes Lance?

Sharpshooter: Can you hang out?

Bakerboy: Sure, what time? And where?

Sharpshooter: How about at one and at the cafe.

Bakerboy: Sure, thing see you there!

Sharpshooter: BYYYYYE!

Lance throws his phone to the end of the bed and sits, pondering what to do to pass the time. Out of the corner of his eye he sees his container of markers sitting on his desk and decides to make a new piece of art for his soulmate. Grabbing different shades of pinks, reds, blues and oranges he starts to draw a whimsical heart design with multiple colourful streaks, and after a couple minutes he notices and little handwritten note on the top of his hand.

It's so beautiful, please draw more

Lance just smiles and continues to draw up the rest of his arm, creating a mural of wonder for his soulmate.


Time passes at a snail's pace but eventually the time comes for Lance to meet Hunk. Grabbing his phone, wallet and housekeys, Lance heads out the door and takes the small walk to his and Hunk's favourite café, The Snack Shack Café. As he approaches the front doors of the lovely café, he pulls out his phone to check the time, 12:58.

"Sweet, not late," Lance says to himself. Finding a place to sit near the big windows of the front of the café, Lance watches as Hunk strolls through the doors less then a minute later. Looking around, Hunk spots Lance and gives him a smile as he walks over.

"Hey dude!" Hunks says as he takes a seat across from Lance.

"Hey man, what's up!" Lance asks.

"Nothing much really, I talked to my lab partner this morning about our new project for our project for the STEM convention but that's about it really."

"Nice! But guess what happened!" Lance says excitedly.


"My soulmate wrote to me yesterday!"

Hunk's eyes widen and he bursts out with the biggest smile.

"See! I told you it would happen! And you didn't believe me,"

Lance just rolls his eyes before launching into more detail, "Did you know that they wrote to me using scented markers? Apparently, it was a gift from their friend for their birthday because they were curious if the scent would travel to their soulmate!"

Lance just laughs at what he had said as a look of realization and shock cross Hunk's face before he quickly masks it. The two of them continue to talk about Lance's soulmate for about an hour when suddenly Lace gets a text message from his mom.

"Sorry dude, but my mom needs my help babysitting Luis and Marco while she steps out to do some grocery shopping,"

"It's no problem, I had fun! And I'll see you tomorrow in class?" Hunk asks.

"Yep!" Lance says as he gets up from his chair and waves goodbye to Hunk and makes his way out the café. As Hunk gathers his stuff and follows Lance's lead and heads home, he smiled to himself. His lab partner had some explaining to do. 

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