Chapter 10

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                                       Summary: For those who skipped chapter 8 and 9

In chapter 8, Lance realizes that his father has started drinking again because he got laid off, and his father's drinking can become dangerous. His father has also not come to terms with his son being bisexual, so he harbors homophobic rage towards his son. Lance calls his mom, and she tells him to take his siblings to Hunk's place and away from his father. She also says that they may not come back to the house until she tells him to return home. Lance takes his siblings to Hunk's and a few hours later he gets a message from his mom saying he can come home but Lance is suspicious so he goes by himself, while telling Hunk that if he doesn't hear anything from Lance in the next hour to call the police. 

At home Lance discovers his father had locked his mom in a room upstairs, and that he messaged Lance from his mom's phone. His father's drunken homophobic rage explodes and caused him to become violent and abuse his son verbally and physically. 

In chapter 9, it starts with Pidge and Keith hanging out still at his house when Keith and Pidge go to the kitchen to make some food. Suddenly, Keith drops to the floor holding his head in pain. And to Pidge's horror, he discovers a massive gash across Keith's head. Bruises form over his body and he feels pain all over, confusing both Pidge and Keith. Pidge then remembers that when soulmates draw on their skin it shows up on the skin of theirsoulmate, but when soulmates experience bodily pain, their soulmates will feelit too. Pidge immediately calls Hunk to tell him what's happening, and it causes Hunk to panic and call 911 to his house. 

Back with Lance, his dad's rage as reached a climax. Causing his dad to pull out a gun and try to kill Lance, but he misses and hits his shoulder causing a bullet wound in both Lance and Keith's shoulder. Luckily the paramedics and police arrive before his dad can do anything else and both him and Keith are rushed to the hospital. Leaving us at the beginning of chapter 10. 



Lance slowly opens his eyes, only to be greeted by a bright white ceiling and the heavy smells of cleaning supplies. With the bit of strength he had, he slowly brings his hand up to his face to see medical bracelet wrapped around his wrist. Dropping his hand down the bed, Lance swivels his head around to see a curtain drawn across the middle of the room. The sounds of shoes hitting the tiled floor of the hospital can be heard, getting louder and louder until a small gasp is heard.

"Oh my, your awake!"

A nurse rushes to his side, helping to prop him up and allow him to have a glass of water. As Lance takes the glass of water from the nurse, he looks to see that one of his legs was wrapped in a cast while the other had a boot. His arms and shoulder were wrapped in bandages and he had stitches on his temple where his father had hit him in the head with a bottle. Soon after, the doctor strolls into the room with his mother who looks absolutely shocked to see him sitting upright and awake.

"Lance!" she exclaims as she rushes over to her son.

"Mamá," he whispers as he grabs her hand tightly.

"Good morning Mr. McClain how are you feeling?" the doctor asks as he takes a look at his medical record.

"Well, not great. My head is in a lot of pain."

"That is to be expected, you do have a concussion. You also had your shoulder dislocated before being put back into place, along with a nasty gunshot to the same shoulder. We managed to get the bullet out of your shoulder but there will be a considerable amount of pain for a while. Your left leg has been broken so you will have to remain in a cast for a couple more weeks, whereas your right food had a minor fracture so that boot will only have to stay on for about a week or so more. You've got a fair share of stiches but it's good to see you awake."

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