Chapter 6

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Walking into school Monday morning, Hunk was on a mission to find his lab partner, and it was a good thing they shared first block together. Once finding his first period class, he walked to his normal spot near the back of the classroom and waiting for his partner to arrive. The door of the classroom is flung open and the sound of someone skipping up to him causes Hunk to lift his head to the approaching individual.

"Hey Hunk!" a voice shouts.

"What's up Pidge?" Hunk asks as his lab partner sits down beside him.

"I did some testing of our project done! I used Keith as one of my test subjects!" Pidge says.

Hunk sits there stunned and his mouth agape. He had his suspicions of that being what happened but now certainly knew who his best friend's soulmate was...

"Sweet cheese," Hunk mumbled.


"Um so-I may or may not know who Keith's soulmate is."

The silence of the classroom was immediately broken by the sounds of Pidge's abrupt shriek of excitement.

"Oh-my-god!" Pidge yells, "who is it!"

"You can't say a word to him though!" Hunk says quickly, "promise me!"

"Okay okay I won't! Now spill!"

"Alright, well his soulmate is... Lance," Hunk whispers to Pidge. Pidge freezes, and his eyes grow. Quickly, Hunk rushes to say,

"But the only reason I know this is that he told me that his soulmate wrote with smelly markers, because his soulmates friend wanted to know if the other person could smell it. So, I assumed that was you!"

The smile that had been growing on Pidge's face is in full blast and he bursts out laughing.

"Oh my god! Yes! That was me!" Pidge says as he tries to catch his breath from laughing, "I cannot believe they're soulmates! They're self-proclaimed rivals, how ironic is that!"

"I know!" Hunk says as joins in with Pidge's laughter.

"You guys should totally come sit with use today during lunch," Pidge says once his laughter died down.


"Yeah, cause then maybe we can get the two knuckle heads to realize they're soulmates,"


Both of them shake hands before bursting out laughing again. Their friends are in for a surprise.




"Lance McClain!"

Lance is suddenly whisked from his daydream to see his social studies teacher, Mrs. Haggar, standing in front of his desk with a put out look on her face.

"Now that you are with us, what is the answer?" she asks.

"What was the question again?"

"When did World War II start and end?" she asks smugly. Lance just rolls his eyes and looks over to Hunk who is just shaking his head. Lance had this shit memorized just so he could mess with Mrs. Haggar who apparently had it out for Lance since freshman year.

"Well, World War II officially started on September 1st, 1939 and ended on September 2nd, 1945."

Mrs. Haggar lets out a huff before snapping back towards the chalk board and continues teaching the class. Time passes and finally the lunch bell rings, causing Lance to quickly pack up his bag and follow after Hunk. However, this time Hunk doesn't go in the direction of the cafeteria.

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