Chapter 14

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Summary: For those we chose to skip the last section of chapter 13

In Keith's sophomore and junior years of high school he used to date Lotor. For the first while, everything went smoothly until Lotor started to become more upset with Keith and would routinely ignore him, through text or whenever they saw each other in person. Keith grew frustrated so he confronted him at Lotor's house which caused Lotor to yell and lash out, calling him horrendous names and eventually turning to physical abuse. Lotor justified it as he was sorry and didn't mean too, and that he loved him because he believed they were soulmates. At first Keith believed him but this pattern continued. One day, Lotor invited him over to talk but when Keith arrived, Lotor was drunk. He tried to leave but Lotor was too strong and he ended forcing himself on Keith.  Keith was too afraid to tell anyone but one day Lotor appeared at his house and tried to do it again but Shiro arrived home just in time and called the police, and it ended with him getting sentenced to 10-15 years. However, he's now getting out early and plans on trying to get Keith back no matter what because he still believes they are soulmates. 


A tall man in a dark black suit walks into the dimly lit cement walled room and takes a seat in the small black plastic chair placed in front of a desk and pane of glass. To his right a phone which he takes off the hooks and places to his ear. A voice echoes from behind the glass opposite him and through the phone.

"Hello Father,"

"Son, I'll have you know that you've been enrolled in a new school with your records wiped clean so no one will know of your mistakes. You will be starting immediately once released."

"Oh?" the voice says, "what school?"

"Voltron High, where I am principle. I can keep an eye on you there."

"Perfect, that's where he attends."

"You will not go any where near that boy, do you understand me!"

"Of course Father,"

"Good, I'll see you when you are released."

The tall man in a black suit exits the dimly lit room as a laugh echoes off the walls. The man who was sitting opposite in an orange clad jumpsuit and long white hair leans back in his chair, the phone he was using to communicate still pressed up against his ear.

"Oh Keith, you can never escape from your one true soulmate! You belong to me! And only me!"


Keith sat in his bed, his knees pulled up to his chest, trying his best not to panic. Today was the day. Lotor was being released. Keith didn't know what to expect, Lotor was capable of anything.

"Keith!" his mom shouts from downstairs. "Lance is here!"

Keith pulls himself off the bed and grabs his backpack before making his way down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, he sees Lance standing there looking up at him.

"You ready?" Lance asks.

"As I'll ever be," Keith says. Krolia pulls Keith into a tight hug, and whispers.

"You're going to be okay, you're a tough cookie and you've got people around to help."

Keith nods and grabs Lance's hand as they head out the door and into Lance's car. Soon they arrive at the school, but Keith doesn't make any moves to exit.

"Hey, I'll be with you all day." Lance says.

"How!" Keith asks panicked. "We only have like two classes together!"

"I talked with some teachers and got my scheduled changed around until this all blows over, okay." Lance explains softly.


"Of course!"

Together they make their way out of the car and towards the front of the school where Pidge and Hunk were waiting for them. They'd already been told about Lotor and were acting as Keith's bodyguards too. Keith really appreciated it.

"Ready?" both Pidge and Hunk ask.

Keith just nods. They turn and walk into the school and making their way to first period with Mr. Smith. Hours go by without a hitch and eventually the lunch bell rings. Lance and Keith make their way out of their class together and head towards the groups usual lunch hangout spot. Keith is laughing and talking with Lance, dodging people who pass through the busy hallway when suddenly a voice rings out.


Keith freezes and Lance suddenly bumps into him, confused about why he had stopped. Slowly Keith turns around and all colour leaves his face. The textbooks and notes he was holding fall from his hands with a crash and everyone in the hallway stops and it goes silent.

"No," Keith whispers.

"Did ya miss me?" the voice says. Everyone in the hallway watches in silence as Keith starts to tremble, hurriedly grabbing Lance's arm causing him to look up at what Keith had seen. There about five feet away was a tall young man with long bright white hair.

"Lotor..." Keith whispers. Suddenly two figures appear by Keith's side, Pidge and Hunk and come to find what was taking them so long and had realized that Keith was in trouble.

"Made some friends I see." Lotor says as he starts to walk towards Keith.

"Stay the fuck away." Lance says, pulling Keith behind him.

"And who might you be?" Lotor asks smugly.

"My actual soulmate!" Keith shouts, "so fuck right off!"

"Sure he is," Lotor says, "you can't even prove it."

Keith scrambles to grab his pen out of his back pocket and quickly writes something on his arm, causing Lance to laugh. Keith looks back up to Lotor with a smirk.

"Proven!" he shouts as he lifts up his and Lance's arm to reveal his handwriting on both arms with the words FUCK RIGHT OFF written in red pen. Lotor stands there in shock as laughter echoes the hallway as the students watching see what Keith had written. Lotor stalks towards the pair of soulmates as Lance protectively puts an arm around Keith. Lotor stops in front of them and snarls.

"Doesn't matter if you can prove it, you are mine." Before turning around and walking in the opposite direction. Keith and Lance just turn to stare at one another before quickly walking with Pidge and Hunk to their lunch spot. Once inside Pidge starts to laugh.

"Nice theatrics you guys,"

"Thanks," Keith says, "but that won't deter him for long."

"We shall stay on guard then!" Hunk says with a salute, causing everyone to burst into fits of giggles. But the sense of uneasiness still lingered in the back of Keith's mind. 

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