Chapter 13

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Pidge and Jorji whip around to see a shocked Keith and Lance stumble out from around the corner of the hallway. As Pidge's eyes widen at the shock of being discovered, he drops his arms from around Jorji's neck and quickly grabs Jorj's arm before pulling him over to where Keith and Lance stood.

"How long have you been snooping!?" Pidge exclaims.

"In my defence, I was just going to get my textbook when you not so quietly started talking." Keith says before Lance blurts out.

"Long enough to know you have a soulmate! And to see you exchange cooties!"

Pidge and Jorji blush and deep red and look down at their shoes, closely examining the dirt on the floor tiles. Keith's face breaks out into the biggest grin as he hands Lance his textbook before dashing over to Pidge and giving him the biggest hug.

"Congratulations you gremlin! Why didn't you say anything sooner!"

Pidge just laughs and hugs his friend back, looking up to see Jorji staring at him with the biggest smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, I was just waiting for the right moment," Pidge says as they pull a part. Keith gives Pidge another smile before turning to Jorji and reaching out his hand.

"Hi there, nice to meet you. I'm Keith, Pidge's all time best friend and the idiot behind me is my soulmate, Lance."

"Hey! I'm only an idiot sometimes!" Lance replies back. Jorji laughs before shaking Keith's hand.

"And my name is Jorji, Pidge's soulmate,"

"Well, it's very nice to meet you Jorji," Keith says as he walks back over to Lance.

"Congratulations again Pidge," Lance says as he hands Keith back his textbook.

"Thanks, now all I have to do is tell Hunk," Pidge says as Jorji pulls him into a side hug.

"He will be so happy for you Pidge," Keith tells him. Lance quickly nudges Keith and motions towards the direction of Mr. Smith's room.

"We've been gone for too long; we should head back." Lance says. Keith nods and together they start to walk back to Mr. Smith's room.

"Bye guys!" Keith says, "We'll talk again soon Pidge!"

Pidge nods his head and watches his friends turn the corner of the hallway, then turning to look at Jorji and gives him another hug. Then Jorji pipes in,

"Hey, at least now that they know I get to kiss you in public!" causing Pidge to burst into laughter.


Hours later, Keith and Lance finally exit the school and make their way to Lance's car.

"I didn't realize that would take so long," Keith says as he throws his backpack in the back seat and pops into the passenger seat of the car.

"I know right, but hey at least we got a lot done," Lance says as he starts the ignition and starts to back the car out of the parking space.

"True, true." Keith says as he leans his head back and closes his eyes.

"You feeling, okay?" Lance asks as he drives them out of the student parking lot and on to the main road back to Keith's place.

"Yeah, just tired. Tired but happy," Keith explains. "I'm just so happy for Pidge."

"Me too, I'm glad Pidge found their person," Lance says as he grabs Keith's hand. Soon the car arrives at Keith's place and Keith turns to Lance.

"Do you wanna come in for a bit?" Keith asks as he steps out of the car.

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