Chapter 11

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Lance sits with his face in his arm in stunned silence. Not quite sure if he heard that correctly or if it was just a hallucination. His hand is given a shake and the raspy voice lets out soft laugh.

"Hey, aren't you gonna look at your soulmate? I hate to be ignored,"

Lance's head shoots up from the bed to see Keith smiling down at him still holding his hand.

"Jesus Christ..." Lance whispers.

"No, Keith. I'd be worried if you were seeing Jesus right now." Keith says with a laugh.

Lance launches himself out his chair and wraps Keith in hug, not sure if this is real.

"Keith," Lance whispers into Keith's shoulder, not letting go in fear that if he does this will all be a dream.

"Oh Lance," Keith whispers as he hugs the boy back tightly. "I'm okay, I'm really awake."

Keith continues hugging Lance tightly when he starts to hear soft sniffles coming from Lance. Pulling back slowly Keith takes Lance's face in his hands and wipes away the tears that were slowly falling.

"Why are you crying you goof?" Keith asks.

"I'm just so happy right now, but I can't stop crying." Lance says with a huff. Keith lets out a laugh before pulling Lance in and kisses him. Time seemed to have almost stood still in that moment for both boys, overwhelmed with joy and happiness and the first sparks of love appearing. Breathlessly they pull a part, Keith still holding Lance's face.

"There, now you've stopped crying,"

Lance just blinks slowly before laughing and pulling Keith in for another kiss.

"I'm so glad your back," Lance whispers.

"And I'm never leaving again, I promise."

They just sit there on the bed and smile at one another, never letting go of each other's hand before suddenly a gasp is heard and the sound of a cup hitting the ground echoes the room. Keith and Lance turn to see Krolia standing in the doorway with her hand on her heart and coffee spilt all over the floor. Keith lets go of Lance's hand and outstretches his arms towards his mom.

"Mom," he whispers. Immediately Krolia leaps over the spilt coffee and rushes to her son's side, engulfing him in a hug. Lance slowly moves from the bed and goes to find a nurse to let them know, finally his soulmate is awake.


The last hour had been filled with nurses and doctors coming in and checking up on Keith, and finally they were alone again. Krolia had left to go and grab some clothes for Keith as he was going to be discharged the next day and some food as the hospital food was absolutely nasty.

"Did you let Pidge and Hunk know I'm awake?" Keith asked Lance as the two of them were snuggled up together in the hospital bed. "

"Yeah, they should be here in ten minutes or so."

"Cool, so this gives me time to give you one last kiss before they get here." Keith says as he turns his head to the side and gives Lance a peck on the lips.

"What the fuck was that!" a voice shrieks. Keith and Lance whip their heads around towards the door to see a very out of breath Pidge standing there.

"You fucker! You kissed him! Does that mean you guys are a thing now!"

Keith just rolled his eyes at his friend's antics before nodding.

"Fuck yeah!" Pidge exclaims. Hunk comes rushing in the room, stopping beside the over excited gremlin.

"You yelled?" he says.

"They're together now!" Pidge exclaims again.

"Congratulations!" Hunk says as Pidge and he walk towards the bed. "Who figured out you were soulmates first?"

Pidge just gives him a sly smile before Lance points to Keith and Keith points to himself.

"Shit, now I owe Pidge money."

"Hell, yeah you do!" Pidge says with a maniacal laugh. Both Hunk and Pidge go over and give Keith a hug before sitting down at the end of the bed.

"I'm glad your awake Keith, I don't know how much longer this man could've gone on for," Pidge says as he points at Lance, "This man would come to this hospital for hours at a time! And even refused to leave at one point!"

Keith lets out a laugh as Lance blushes brightly. Keith's phone buzzes and he looks to see his mom had messaged.

"Hey, does someone mind helping my mom bring in the food and my clothes? She doesn't have enough hands."

"We can do it!" Hunk says as he drags Pidge out the door.

"Why? I'm fine here!" Pidge yells, "Unhand me you fiend!"

Lance and Keith keel over with laughter before turning to each other.

"I'm glad to be back," Keith whispers.

"I'm glad your back too," Lance says, "but now you got a shit ton of homework to do!"

"Oh, shut up!" Keith says as he grabs the front of Lance's shirt and pulls him in for another kiss. Lance just smiles into the kiss and wraps is arms around Keith's neck, overjoyed that his soulmate has finally returned. 

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