New Apartment

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767 words

Today, I move out of my parent's house and go to my new apartment. I got everything packed into my car and I started driving. I was interrupted by my best friend, Toby calling.
"So, how's moving?"

"It's going pretty well. It's going to be weird if I don't see my parents every day."

"I know. What if I told I had a friend who was going to Disneyland but couldn't because of a wedding to go to."

"And what does that have to do with me," I say a little sassier than I meant to.

"Well, little Ms. Sassypants, I was going to ask if you wanted to go with me b-"

"I would love to," I responded cutting him off.

"Let me finish my sentence...As I was saying, she gave me 2 tickets. Okay, now you can talk. You know you're so mean to me?" He says.

"Yup, I know." I laugh and finally reached my apartment building. "Sorry, I just got to my apartment. I'll talk to  you later?"

"Yup. Bye Y/n."

"Bye, Toby."

I hung up and started to get the boxes. I go to my apartment and open the door. 'It's so empty' I thought. I then started to put the boxes in a corner. Once I got all the boxes it the corner I started to get everything where it needed to go. I put the kitchen boxes in the kitchen, the bathroom boxes in the bathroom, etc. I sat down on the hardwood floor and checked my Instagram. *Knock Knock* I started to get up to go see who's at the door. I open the door and there stood a man with reddish hair. It was faded so it had a few pink streaks. I started the conversation first.

"Hello?" I smiled and he smiled back.

"Hey, I saw you're new to this apartment. I wanted to say 'Hi'."

"Well, hello. I'm Y/n."


That name seems familiar to me, but I can't put my finger on it. 

"I have to get everything in place and stuff, so I'll talk to you later?"

"Do you need any help?"

I did need help with setting up a pan rack, so I agreed and showed him around the empty place.

"Are you sure you want to help? I don't want to bother you."

"Yes, I'm sure and it's no bother. I have nothing to do anyway."

"Okay. Why don't we start with the pan rack."

"Alright, let's go."

We talked the whole time and I got to know him more. I still was trying to think who he reminded me of.

"Hey, Y/n? Where does this go?"

He was holding me Tiny Box Tim plush.

"Um, in the bedroom thank you."

*3-4 Hours Later*

"Well sorry Y/n. I have to go home. Bye!"

"Bye," I say smiling and waved.

He walked out of my door and I headed to my bedroom. I got on my pajamas on and went to the kitchen to get a snack. I walked back to my bedroom and saw someone sitting on my bed. I screamed, but not too loud and slammed to door. I run to the kitchen and grab one of my knives. The figure comes down the hallway and I can see some of his features. Dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and tall and skinny.


"Yes, it's me.C-can you p-put the k-knife down? I-it's making me v-very n-nervous." I slowly put the knife down and walk away from it.

"Why the hell are you here at...11:45?"

"I needed to tell you something?"

"How did you even get in here?"

"I kinda went through the window. You know your window is like 5 feet off the ground?"

"Yeah, but you could've just went through the door. I gave you an extra key for a reason."

" I never thought of that."

"You're such a dork." I was laughing at him and his stupidity.

"What were you going to tell me?"I asked.

"We're leaving in 2 days."

"Really! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I'm sorry. I just found out." He gave me a worried look.

"It's fine. I'll start packing tomorrow. How long are we staying?"

"A week."

"Wow, that long? Cool."

"I'm gonna let you get some rest. Night Y/n."

"Night Toby.'

He turned to the window and jumped out. He ran towards the direction of his house and disappeared into the distance. I became drowsy and hopped into bed. I soon fell asleep thinking about past memories.

I'm Going 'Nuts' For You Markiplier x readerWhere stories live. Discover now