Wedding Dress

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1442 words

*8 Months Later*

Our wedding is in a month and I still need to figure out a dress to get. The only problem is that I don't have any girlfriends. Wait I have one, Signe. I searched on my phone for her name and I finally found her number. I called her and she picked up.
(S-Signe and Y-You)

S-Hey Y/n

Y-Hey Signe. Can I ask you something?

S-Yeah goes ahead.

Y-Can you help me find a dress for my wedding. I don't have any other girlfriends.

S- Of course, can I invite Marzia?

Y- Oh yeah. I am such a horrible friend. I totally forgot about her. I'll ask her if she can come too. You guys can be the maids of honor. Fuck! Mark, you can't do that!

S-Are you okay? Did Mark scare you?

Y-Yeah, goddammit, Mark!  I'm going to punch you!

S-Wait, don't do it yet!  I want to there!

Y-Hurry then causes he's about to get it.

S-What is he doing?

Y-He is fucking pissing me off on purpose! Mark, I swear to god.

S- I'll let you go and I'll pick you up in an hour

Y-Okay. I'm going to fucking kill, you Mark!



I hung up and jumped on Mark.

"Stop tickling me! You know I'm not ticklish."

"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm doing it." He says laughing.

I made him fall over on the bed and he pulled me with him. I was on top of him. We just sat there. He then rolled over so I was on the bottom. We were staring at each other. I started to blush because of the position we were in. He then started to kiss me. I started kissing him too. Let's just say that it got heated. We sat there and I was panting and so was he. 'Shit I have to get ready! Signe and Marzia are gonna be here in like a half an hour! ' I thought.

"That was amazing in all, but I have to go get my wedding dress. I kinda need that." I said smiling. I put on my clothes and then he stood up.

"But I need you." He whined. I fixed my h/l (hair length) hair and started to walk around.

"I know. We will be together for the rest of our lives. I need to go get a dress. I'll be back in a few hours." I say and peck his cheek.

"Fine. We are going to have a movie night. Just the two of us." He says smiling.

"Okay. Bye, babe."

"Buh-bye, honey."

I waited outside and then Signe and Marzia came to the driveway. I got in the car and we were off. We got to the mall and we started looking for wedding dress stores. I soon see a wedding dress in a window and all three of us go to that store. The dresses were beautiful.

"Hi, my name is Zoe. Do need help with anything?"

"N-no thank you. I'm ju-just looking."

"Okay,  I'll be at the front counter if you need me."


Signe and Marzia were looking at me weird.

"You alright?" Signe says.

I'm Going 'Nuts' For You Markiplier x readerWhere stories live. Discover now