The Result of the Comments

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989 words

I wake up to a notification. It's was the video we did yesterday. I decided to look at the comments and was surprised about what I read.

"Are you dating Mark?"

"Are you two a couple?"

There was many more along those lines. Then, I saw a comment from Mark.

"Y/n and I aren't dating, we're just friends."

I was still blushing from all the comments, then I heard a knock at my door. I open the door to see Mark.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey, Y/n. Can you come to my apartment for a sec?"

"Why can't we be in my apartment?"

"Cause it's a surprise."

"Fine." I smile as he covers my eyes.

"I can cover my own eyes," I say.

He uncovered my eyes so I can cover them. He leads me towards his apartment and opened the door.

"Mark, why are we at your apartment?"

"Hey, are you looking?" He picked me up bridal style and put me on his couch.

"No, I'm not!" I giggled and then I heard my walking away.

"Come over here." He whispered.

I didn't know who he was talking to.

"Open your eyes!"

There I saw Ethan and Tyler in front of me. I was in shock.

"I thought they'd be here in a week."

"Well they came early and they wanted to meet you."

"Hey, well you already know me. Mark talks about you a lot." Tyler says. 

I start blushing and I look at him and he's blushing too.

"Hey, I'm Ethan but I think you know that."

"Yes, I know both of you. Sorry, that sounded really creepy."

All three of them laugh and I soon looked at Mark.

"By the way, you do know that your viewers are spamming your video with are you dating Mark' comments?'

"Yeah, I commented to them and said that we were just friends."

" you think we could do a video or something?"

"Sure, why not. Do you guys agree?"

"Yeah," Ethan says.

"Sure," Tyler says.

"Hello everybody. Today we are going to play the whisper challenge with Tyler, Ethan, and a special guest Y/n."

"H-hi, everybody," I say nervously.

"Hey!" Tyler and Ethan say in sync.

"Y/n is going to start first then Ethan, then Tyler, then myself. Are you guys ready?"

"I think they're ready, Mark. They're jamming to their music and cannot hear anything."

"Alright, let's go."

"I saw ponies riding an elephant," I say to Ethan. Ethan puts a finger up to signal me to say it again. I say it again and we rotate. 

He turns to Tyler and says, "I saw a ponies running into Ellie's ass." I just burst out laughing. Then we rotated until it was the end.

 Mark said, "I sang while running into Ellie's ass." I laughed so hard it hurt.

"You guys weren't even close. It was 'I saw ponies riding an elephant.' I don't know where you got ass out of that."

"That's what it looked like. Tyler has unreadable lips!" he swore to me.

"Okay, okay."

The video finished 10 minutes later and I was so excited that I did a video with Ethan and Tyler. Who wouldn't be though?

"Tyler, can I talk to you alone real quick?"

"Yeah sure."

They walk to the bedroom while I and Ethan were quiet. I decided to talk.

"How long have you known Mark?"

"About 3 years now, you?" (Sorry, I don't really know how long they've known each other)

"For about a week maybe."


We continue talking while waiting for Mark and Tyler.

*Mark's POV*

"Should I ask her out?"

"Yeah, go ahead. Is that all you needed to talk about?"


"Then, what is it?"

"Would you like to move in with me and I'll ask Ethan the same thing."

"Yes, I'm sure Ethan will agree too."


"No problem, let's go out and see what they're doing."

"Okay," I responded.

We walk to see Y/n and Ethan talking on the couch.

"Hey, are you ready to go back to your apartment? I have to talk to you."

"Yeah, let's go. Bye Tyler. Bye Baby Blue." 

"Bye Y/n," Tyler says.

"Bye," Ethan says in response.

*Y/n's POV*

Mark and I go into my apartment and sit on the couch.

"So, what did you need to talk about?"

"Well, w-would you like to be my girlfriend?" He gave me a nervous look.

"Of course. I would love to."

"Okay." He smiled.

"Hey, there is a part of the surprise that I didn't tell you."

"What is it?" I said curiously.

"Tyler and maybe Ethan will be living with me."

"Really! That's amazing. Not only for your part but for mine too. I get to be around my favorite YouTubers and my boyfriend. Sorry, I sound selfish."

"Stop apologizing." He lifts my head up. "It didn't sound selfish at all."

I was looking into his dark brown eyes and he was looking into my e/c ones. He started leaning in and I did too. I felt his soft lips on mine. There were sparks and I knew he was going to be the one. We eventually had to stop for air. We were still looking into each other's eyes and then I looked down while blushing. I look back at him and he started to speak.

"I have to go home. Talk to you later and here's your phone." I looked at him confusedly.

"How did you get my phone?"

"I have my ways."

I smile and wave to him as he leaves.

"Bye, Y/n."

"Bye, Mark."

He shut the door and I jumped on my bed. "I'm dating Markiplier!" I say loudly but not too loud that he could hear me. I text Toby and tell him the news. He didn't respond, that's odd. Maybe he's busy. I soon fell asleep on my bed.

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