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I felt something on my head. I lift my head up to see Tyler's hand fall off my head. I smile and start crying again. He's awake! He turns his head towards me and mouthed the words I'm sorry. I nodded excitedly and then I looked at Mark. He's asleep. I walk over to Mark and shake him. He looks at me and I was in loss of words so I pointed at Tyler. Mark soon started to tear up again. Tyler is staring at us, smiling.

"I-i'm glad you're okay," I say, smiling.

"Me too." He manages to get out.

Mark and I hug him and then the doctor came in.

"Mr.Scheid, I see you're awake."

"Yup," he says smiling.

"You are good to go home."

"Okay." He says. 

I hand him his clothes that were folded on a chair and Mark and I walked out of the room. Tyler walked out of the hospital, happy and jolly. There is this feeling that is telling me to talk to him. There's something odd about him. I just want him happy. I'm also glad Mark didn't react when the note said that Tyler had feelings for me. We got home and we walked in the door. Ethan was sitting there looking worried.

"Ethan? Are you okay?" He shook his head no.

I walk over to him and sit down next to him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He nodded.

I brought him to his bedroom and we sat down on his bed.

"So, what's up?" I say.

" Why didTyler try to commit suicide?" I don't think he noticed Tyler with me and Mark.

"I don't know." I looked down. "But do you want to see something cool?" He nodded."Okay, stay here."

I walk out of the room and pull Tyler off the couch.

"What are you doing?" He was laughing.

"Ethan didn't see you walk in and he needs to see you." He smiles and hides by Ethan's door.

"Okay, Ethan. I'm back. Here's that cool thing." Tyler walks into the room and Ethan's face just brightens up. Ethan runs up to Tyler and hugs him.

"I'm going to leave you guys. I think you should talk." They both nod. I walk out the door and towards Mark.

"So what was that about?" He says.

"Ethan was crying and stuff because he didn't understand why Tyler tried killing himself. Ethan loves him like a brother. I do too." I say and Mark starts to hug me. I instantaneously hug back.

"I know, I feel that way with Ethan and Tyler too."

"I hope Tyler won't try it again."

"He won't. I promise."

"Mark please don't make promises you can't keep."

"Okay, fine. But it won't happen again." I look at him and peck his cheek.

"Thanks, Mark." Tyler and I say in sync.

I look at the hallway and Tyler is standing there.

"For what?" Mark responds to Tyler. 

"Thanks for saving me. You too Y/n." Tyler says in response.

"Don't thank me, that was all Y/n. " Mark says.

"No, it wasn't. I just stayed there checking his pulse, not calling the police." I said in disagreement.

"But you told me to," Mark adds.

"True," I say.

"Well, thank you both," Tyler says after. He walks over to the couch and hugs me and Mark.

"Hey, do we want to watch a movie to calm all our nerves?" I suggested.

"Sure, let me go get Ethan," Tyler says.

"Sure, but what?"

"What about divergent?" I suggest again.


I put the disk in and wait for Tyler and Ethan. They both come out and sit on the floor. I was next to Mark. He put his arm around me and I started the movie. Tyler and Ethan fell asleep laying on each other and I had to take a picture. I got out my phone and took a picture. I then sat down and I became drowsy. I fell asleep on Mark's shoulder. The last thought that I had before I was swallowed into the dreamy darkness is 'I'm glad Tyler is alright, but will he try again when nobody is around?' Hopefully, I'm wrong cause if he does it a second time, it might be too late before we notice.

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