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*Dream World*

I was in the hospital and someone started talking to me. It was a male. He had hazel eyes, brown hair, and glasses. He almost looks like Ethan. I start looking around for S/n and she wasn't in the room.

"Hey, it's okay." He says.

"Where's S/n?"

"She died. You fainted soon after. Do you remember that?"

I nod and he smiles then I do too.

"Finally, I see my sis's smile."

That proved to me, I'm Ethan's sister. (I don't know if he has siblings so pretend he does.)Does he remember that I'm his sister? I smile more at him.

"Your awake, Miss.Y/n. You will be released shortly after you change and sign the release papers."

"Okay. Thanks, Doctor."

He walks away and I ask Ethan to help me get dressed. He agrees and helps me put my pants on. I sign the papers and we walk out of the hospital.

"Um, Ethan?"


"Where were you that night that Dad hurt S/n?"

"I was at a Dad's friends house and I regret even going. If I was there I could've saved S/n and you."

"Please don't blame it on yourself."

"I know it's not my fault but I feel guilty for not being there."

"I know."

We continue walking and then a car stops in front of us. Mom?

"Hey, get in. I'll drive you home."

We get in the car and drive to Moms. That's when I woke up.

*Dream World End*

I woke up and went to Mark's. It was about 8 in the morning so they might be up. I knocked on the door and Ethan answered. I jumped and hugged him.

"What was that for?" He said while giggling.

"I remembered something."

"What did you remember?"

"You're my brother."

He looked at me confused.

"Do you remember me fainting in the hospital because of S/n's death?"

"Wait, that was you?" I nod.

"That's why you were so familiar. You look just like Mom."

"May I ask something though?"

"Yeah, anything."

"Why did I live with someone else instead of you and Mom?"

"That was our aunt and you were somewhat scared of Mom so she asked Jane (Idk) to take care of you."

"Oh okay," I say while I start crying.

"Are you okay?" He asks looking down at me.

"Yeah, I'm just glad I found my brother and Mother. Also, my brother is one of my favorite YouTubers."

"I'm glad you found me too. I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"Hey, Ethan who are you talking-"

"Hi, Mark!" I ran into the living room and jumped into his arms smiling. He smiled back and gave Ethan a dirty look.

"Markimoo it's okay. I just remembered Ethan is my brother."

"That's great!"

"I know. Now one of my favorite YouTubers are my brother, one's my best friend, and you're my boyfriend."

"Yeah. I'm glad you remembered that Ethan is your brother. I'm also glad I'm your boyfriend and Tyler is your best friend. And you're my girlfriend."

I peck him on the lips and then Tyler comes walking over.

"What's going on?"

"Well, I'm Y/n's brother," Ethan said.

"Wow! Did you guys know?"

"No, we didn't recognize each other at first."

"Even though you look the same as you did when we were younger." He looks at me and starts tickling my sides.

"S-stop! P-please!"

"You shouldn't have said that."

"I-I'm s-sorry!" He then stops and I calm down. Mark's just standing there laughing.

"Shut up!" I say while smiling.

"Okay, fine." He says.

Tyler is still laughing in the background. I found one of Mark's Nerf bows and I show Tyler in the arm.

"Ow!" He says while calming down. He's still laughing a little.

"That's what you get," I say laughing at Tyler.

He stops laughing and I decide that I'm going to make breakfast.

"Do you guys have pancake mix?"


"Well, can I take over your kitchen for about 20 minutes?"

"Sure go ahead."

I start making homemade pancakes and they were finished in like 15 minutes. I got everybody's plates ready and gave it to them.

"Holy shit! These are amazing!" Mark says.

"They really are," Ethan adds on.

"Yeah, they are good. Did you make them without pancake batter?"

"Yup," I respond.

"These are better than the Pancake mixes at the store," Tyler says.

"Why, thank you."

I have some myself and they are better than I expected. They were really good. I talk with them and Mark told me he had to talk to me. We walk to the bedroom.

"Hey, Y/n?"


"Would you like to go to Pax with us?"


"Yes, it won't be fun without you."

"Thank you. When are we leaving?"

"In like a week."

"Okay cool.

We walk out of the room and I sit on his couch. I was cold and I started shivering.

"Are you cold?" Tyler says while giggling.


"I'll get you a blanket." He says.

"T-thank you." 

He walks back with a Makriplier blanket and gives it to me.

"Is this yours?" I say giggling.

"No, it's Mark's."


Ethan walks over and sits next to Tyler.

"Can I say something?"

"Yeah." They both say.

"I'm sorry but I ship Tythan all the way." I laugh at what I just said.

They laughed too, soon after. Mark joined in and we talked for a long while.

I'm Going 'Nuts' For You Markiplier x readerWhere stories live. Discover now