The Answer and News

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883 words

Mark asked me to marry him. I stood there silent for a moment and I finally answered.

"Y-Yes. Yes, Mark. I will marry you." I said rapidly nodding my head and tears were falling from my cheeks. He smiles and put the ring on my finger.

We kissed and it was more passionate than all the others. We stopped kissing and people were clapping, even though it was like 9:00 at night. Mark and I started walking around the park and talked. I can't believe he proposed. I love him and he loves me. Nothing will break us apart.

"It's getting late. We should start heading back." I say because I was starting to get tired.

"Okay, let's go," Mark said.

We walked home and we held hands the whole time. I open the door to Ethan yelling, "Did you finally ask her!?!" I held out my hand and showed him the ring. He smiled.

"Awe, my sis is getting married before I do. That's sad in my part." He says giggling.

"Congrats to you too!" Tyler says giving Mark and I a hug.

"Sorry, but I'm getting tired. I'm going to bed. Night." I say as I start walking to the bedroom.

I laid down and started to fall into a deep sleep. I soon felt someone's arms wrapped around my waist.

"I love you, Y/n l/n," Mark says before falling asleep.

"I love you too, Mark Fischbach," I mumbled before falling asleep again.


I started to wake up and I checked my phone. 6:45. Damn, it's too early. I felt Mark moving and I heard him grunting.

"Mornin' Mark."

"Morning. What time is it?" He said still sounding tired as fuck.

"6:45," I say.

"What the fuck? Why are you up this early?" He said sounding annoyed. I knew he was just grumpy.

"Well, I was going to make pancakes for everyone,  but since you're being mean I'm not making you any." I giggled and started to get out of bed. I stood up and then I felt Mark grab my wrist and pull me back down.

"I'm sorry. Can you please make me pancakes? Your pancakes are the best." He said and I couldn't say no to his pleading eyes.

"Fine, be a good boy and start getting ready for the day." I started rubbing his head like a dog.

"Okay, woof woof." Mark is acting like a dog now. I regret everything I just did.

I start walking down the stairs and I see Tyler on the couch, playing on his phone.

"Hey, Ty. Whatcha doing up?"

"Oh, nothing. I could ask you the same thing."

"Well, Mark moves a lot in his sleep and I woke up because of that."

All you here is Mark say, "No I do not." He is still grumpy. I laugh.

"How would you know?" I say still laughing at his behavior.

"Because I just know. Are you going to make pancakes?" He says. He starts smiling.

"Yeah. Oh Look, Ty, he's smiling." I say and Mark laughs.

"You're making me the best pancakes in the world. Why would I not be smiling?" He says.

"They aren't that good, Mark. You're overreacting."

"No, they are really good. I agree with Mark on this one. Your pancakes are the best I've ever had." Tyler responds.

"Ok fine. Uh, hey Mark?"


"Do you have any baking soda?"

"Um, let me check the cupboard." He started to look through the cupboard. "No, I guess I don't. Do you need it?"

"I don't think so. I'll make a small batch and we can see if it need baking soda or not."

"Okay." Mark then walks out into his living room.

I start the batch and a few minutes later they were finished. I took a bite and they actually tasted better.

"Y/n, these are better without baking soda." Mark and Tyler say in unison. They look at each other and start laughing. I noticed that I totally forgot about Ethan.

"Hey guys, I'll be back. I need to go wake up Ethan." They both nod and I walk to Ethan's bedroom.

I start hearing crying from inside. I slowly open the door a see that Ethan is wide awake, sobbing.

"Blueberry?" I quietly say.

He looks at me with his red, puffy eyes. He got up and gave me a hug. I hugged him back.

"W-what's wrong?" I say with tears starting to fill my eyes. I hate seeing Ethan cry.

"M-mom. Sh-she just di-died. Th-there was a ca-car ac-accident." I started to cry. Sob actually.

"I-I'm so sorry," I say, crying onto his chest.

I then see Mark and Tyler standing in the doorway. I run over to Mark and Ethan just sat on the bed, crying in his hands. I was crying in Mark's chest and Tyler walked over to Ethan and rubbed his back.

"What happened?" Mark asked with his eyes full of worry.

"Ou-our Mother ju-just died." He stood there for a second and hugged me tighter.

"I'm sorry, Y/n and Ethan. If you guys need to talk to someone, I'll be there." Mark says with his voice cracking. Is he crying too?

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