Youtube Meet

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*Y/n's POV*

I packed when I got home and I then went to Toby's. I knock on his door and he answers.

"Oh, Hey Y/n."

"Hey Toby, can I come in?"

"Come on in." He says moving his arm through the entrance.

I walk in and admire his beautiful home. It's not too big but it's big for one person.

"Do you live here alone?"

"No, I actually live here with my girlfriend."

"You never told me you had a girlfriend."

"I know, it's because I've only been dating her for a few days now."

"Oh, cool."

A woman with slick black hair and blue eyes walks up to him and hugs him.

"Who is this, babe?"

"This is my best friend Y/n. She is like a sister to me."

"Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Vanessa."

"Nice to meet you too."

"Wotcha doin' here?" Toby asks.

"Well, I got to talk to you about something."

"Okay, let's go on the back porch. I'll be back babe."

"Okay." She responded.

We walked to the back porch and I admired the view.

"So, what did you need to talk to me about?"

"Well, I have two things now. First, guess what?"

He smiles and says, "What?"

"My neighbor is Markiplier and I might be friends with him."

"Are you serious?!" He says excitedly.

"Yup, and I get to meet Ethan and Tyler in 2 weeks."

"That's awesome."

"I also need to ask you something."

"Okay, continue." He says still smiling.

"Why did you ask me to go to Disney and not your girlfriend?"

" I don't know. Maybe because you're like my little sister."

"You can take her if you really want to. I don't care."

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely! I want you to take her and go on a date with her there. It would be romantic."

"Thanks, Y/n." He hugs me and leads me into the living room. I signal him to go ask her, he nods back and starts walking to her.

"H-Hey, Vanessa. Would you like to go to Disney with me?"

"I would love to." She smiles and hugs him.

"Sorry, I have to go. Bye Toby and nice to meet you, Vanessa."

"You too, bye."

"Bye, Y/n."

I wave and walk out the door. 'That was the only chance that I could go to Disney and I just gave it away to his new girlfriend,' I thought. I then started to drive and feel happy about myself. I just helped Vanessa's and Toby's relationship and I'm grateful. I got home and went inside. I get changed into comfortable clothes and sit on my bed. I started thinking until I was interrupted by...

"Hello everybody. Today we're going to play the whisper challenge!"

Having Markiplier as a neighbor has its flaws. I get my shoes on and go out the door. I knock on Mark's door and he answers immediately.

"Sorry to interrupt your video, but can you please quiet down?"

"No, it's fine. I should've done it earlier. Sorry."

"Hey who are you playing whis-"

"Mark, who are you talking to?"

Wade walks behind him and then Mathias, then Matt. I look at everybody and just smile.

"Oh uh, sorry. This is Y/n."

"Hi, Y/n," Wade said.

"Hi."Mathias and Matt said together.

"I'm a huge fan of all you guys." I started getting excited.

"That's awesome," Wade said.

"Are we going to continue the video?" Mathias said.

"Yeah, Y/n, you want to join?" Mark asked.

"Sure, why not. I'm going to get my phone and headphones, wait one second."

I run to my house to grab my phone and earbuds and went back to Mark's.

"Are you ready?"

I nod and sit down next to Mark. He said everything he needed to say and we started.

I was last and Mark mouthed something.

"I don't like Tam and sheets?" I say when we finished rotating.

Everybody starts laughing at me and I was starting to get embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed. Not knowing the right words is the whole point." Mark says.

"The actual tweet was 'I like rubbing cheese on me," Wade says.

We continued to make the video and then Mark ended it.

"See you guys in the next one, buh-bye"

We all wave and I take my other earbud out.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, it was really fun. I also loved getting to meet all of you as well."

They all smile and I blush and look down.

"Matt and I have to go. Bye Mark."

"I gotta go too," Wade says.

 Mark and I wave bye and they soon disappeared.

"You get embarrassed easily, don't you?


"You shouldn't be. It's all meant to be fun not embarrassing." he smiles.

He has such a freaking cute smile.

"Okay, I'll try not to be embarrassed so easily."


"Sorry Mark, but it's getting late. I gotta go."

"Okay bye, Y/n."

"Bye Mark."

I smile and walk out the door. I get home and go to sleep.

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