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We got ready to start the video and play Mario Cart. Tyler was looking at me and Mark and Ethan were setting up. I turn to help set up and we finish soon after. I can't wait to play. Maybe this will take my mind off of Toby.

"Hello everybody! We're going to play some Mario cart with Y/n, Ethan, and Tyler."

"Hi." We all say in unison.

We then started to play and I was in 1st place, Ethan was in 7th, Tyler was in 3rd, and Mark was in 2nd. Mark was catching up until Ethan came rushing past all of us.

"How'd you do that?!" I yell.

"I don't know? Maybe a mushroom helped me."

I was behind him and then I saw that someone had thrown a blue shell. I slow down a bit and so do Mark and Tyler. Then there it is the blue shell and it hits Ethan.

"Awe come on!" He says while laughing.

I race ahead of him and I'm in the lead. I pass the finish line and like .003 later Mark passed, the Tyler, then a com, then Ethan.

"Yay! I won!"

"By a split second," Mark adds.

I smile and playfully gives me a disgusted look.

"Good job, Y/n," Tyler says.

"Yeah, great job. I would've won if it wasn't for that damn blue shell."

We all laugh and ended the video. I sat there silent for a few seconds until, "Are you okay?" Tyler asks. 

"Yeah. I'm fine." I tried my hardest to smile and I did but it was fake.

"Okay." He looks concerned. Then Mark looks at me too. He looks concerned too. 

"Why is everyone staring at me?" I say looking around.

"You don't look okay, Y/n."

"What do you mean?" Then there it was, I was crying and I didn't even notice. That's when I knew it's back.

"You're crying," Ethan says.

"Oh, I haven't told you guys this because I didn't want you to worry, but I have depression and really bad anxiety. To be honest, I don't even know why I'm crying, but something hurts and I feel the need to cry."

"It's okay. I used to have depression too." Mark says. (I don't really know if he did)

"I have anxiety right now. It's not too bad though, but I know how it feels." Ethan adds. (Same with Ethan)

"I don't have anything like that, but I knew someone who did. I saw how they felt and it was grief-stricken. I didn't leave his side until I had to go home."

"It's okay to cry even if you have no reason too," Mark says and I lean into his chest.

"Th-thanks guys." I smile a little but was still crying. A few minutes later I fell asleep on Mark's chest.

*Mark's POV*

"Th-thanks guys." She says. She leaned into my chest and fell asleep. I picked her up and laid her on my bed. She woke up a little and said, "I love you."

"I love you too."

I slowly shut the door and walk towards the living room.

"She's sleeping right now so we can't be too loud." They nod and turn towards the Tv. I sit next to Tyler and Ethan on the other side. We all fall asleep. I felt soft lips on my forehead, but I still stayed asleep.

*Y/n's POV*

I saw Mark, Ethan, and Tyler sleeping on the couch and it was so cute. I kiss Mark on the forehead and get a snack. I just grabbed some chips and went into the room. I was watching F/s (favorite show) until someone knocked on Mark's bedroom door. 

"Come in." It was Tyler.

"Hey Y/n. Can I sit with you?"

"Sure." He walks towards me and sits next to me.

"What are you watching?"

"F/s, we can change it if you'd like."

"No, it's fine. I like this show actually."

"Okay, cool. May I ask something?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Why do you always look at me?"

"Because you're hard not to look at. You also always have something wrong with you and I want to help the best way I can."

I blush and look at the screen. I noticed he was staring at me again.

"Th-thanks," I say.

"I used to have a crush on you when I first started to watch Markiplier," I said blushing.

"Do you still?"

"I'm sorry, but no. I then started to have a huge crush on Mark and I was made fun of by Toby. I soon thought of you as cute and freaking stone-faced as hell."

"I'm not stone-faced."He said while pouting.

"Yes, you are. Even ask Mark." I laugh.


I look at the clock and it's like 12:45 am.

"I'm sorry. I'm getting tired and I need to go to bed."

"Alright." He smiles and I can't help but smile back.

He walked out the door and I started to lay down. A few minutes later I fell asleep. 'Oh no, not this again.' I thought.

I'm Going 'Nuts' For You Markiplier x readerWhere stories live. Discover now