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I was woken by a text message from Toby. I started to read it.

(Y-You T-Toby)

T-I'm sorry Y/n this is his mom. He had passed away yesterday by a bad ride malfunction. He and 2 other people lost their lives and the others were injured. I'm very sorry Y/n. You can talk to me whenever you need to.

Y-It's fine. Thank you.

I start crying cause Toby had died and nobody decided to tell me. I laid on my bed and cried until I heard a knock at the door. I knew it was Mark. I wipe my eyes and get dressed. I walk over to the door and open it. It was Tyler?

"H-hey Tyler," I said and you could hear the sadness in my voice.

"What's wrong?"

"My best friend Toby had died yesterday and I was just told."

"Oh um, do you want to go to our apartment and talk to Mark, Ethan, and I or just Mark."

I nod and give him a hug and he hugs back. We stood there for a few seconds until we started walking. We walk into their apartment and I just have a meltdown right then and there.

"Are you okay," Mark says rushing over to me looking concerned. I nod my head no.

"She has to talk to you alone or to all of us. It's up to her."

I look up at Tyler and say, "Can I just talk alone with Mark?"

"Of course," Tyler says. Ethan is fucking confused about everything that is happening.

Mark picks me up bridal style and led me to his room. I was silent the whole time. That might be because I was crying into his chest.

"Okay, calm down. Tell me what happened?"

"I-I texted my friend T-Toby and his mom texted me back instead of him. She said that he died from a ride malfunction. He and 2 other people died to it." 

I started tearing up and then started crying. Mark then pulled me closer to him and we sat there hugging. I started to calm down and Mark and I went to the kitchen.

"I'm going to make some dumplings for all of us." (Every book I've read he has made some type of dumplings)

"Okay." I say weakly.

Ethan was staring at me and I kinda was staring back. I didn't know how to respond. Then Tyler started to stare at all of us. I was nervous and I looked at the ground.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asks me.

"Tyler could you tell him?" He nods and starts whispering it to him so I don't hear it.

Ethan started to look at me, concerned whether I was okay or not. He soon got up and hugged me. I hugged back and then I saw Mark. He was glaring at Ethan and nobody noticed. 'Was he jealous?' I thought. We separated from our embrace and Mark puts his hand on my shoulder.

"It's going to be okay, I promise." I smile while my eyes were still watering. I sat up and pecked his lips and sat back down.

"Oh, the dumplings are ready."

"Okay." We all say in unison.

We walked up to Mark's kitchen and sit in the chairs. It went to Mark and me on one side and Tyler and Ethan on the other. It was quiet for a little then I decided to speak.

"Mark, did you upload today?"

"No, I need to. I don't know what to do for it though."

"Mario Cart?" I and Ethan say.

"Sure, Tyler you want to play?"

"Sure." He's always stone-faced. I've never really seen him have any other emotions except happiness.

"I'll get it set up. Wait I only have three controllers." Mark says getting up.

"I'll get one of mine." I get up as well and go towards the door.

"Hey, Y/n. Can I come with? I have to talk to you." Tyler says as he's walking towards me.

"Yeah, let's go." I look over to Mark and he is giving Tyler the same glare he gave Ethan while he was hugging me.

"So, you know Mark really likes you right?"

"Of course, he asked me out already."

"Oh, I didn't know he actually did. Well before he did, he was really nervous and was talking about how pretty you were and how sweet you were. Now I really see it. I just wanted to tell you that he really likes you and don't get worried if he gives me and Ethan any glares. I saw you staring at Mark and I looked over and I saw that he was glaring at Ethan. It's just nothing to be nervous about. He only does that when he really likes someone."

"Okay. Thanks, Tyler. Who knew that I would become neighbors with Markiplier, then meet all of his friends, then start dating him. I also became friends with Tyler and Ethan. I wouldn't think any of this is real."

"Well, it is and I'm glad Mark had found you. I'm also glad to be friends with you." I smile and blush.

I grab my controller and we head to Mark's apartment. Then, I heard Mark say, "What do you think they're talking about? Does he like her and she likes him?"

I walk into the door and smile. "Stop being paranoid. I wouldn't cheat on you."

"You heard that?" He starts blushing.

"Yup, and there is no way that I would cheat on you. Especially with your best friend. That's not right and I'm not that kind of person."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I got the controller so we can all play."

"Great. Let's go." Mark says.

I'm Going 'Nuts' For You Markiplier x readerWhere stories live. Discover now