A Date With Markiplier

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We got to the Airport and went through security. We got through security and sat down for our flight to be called.

*Flight 13A Is Ready*

We get up and head on board plane. I got to my seat, sat down, and then Mark sat down next to me.

"Are you ready?" Mark says, smiling.

"I-I guess so. Remember I've never flown on a plane."

"I know. You're going to be okay. It's actually fun. I always look out the window during the flight."

"Okay." I hold his hand and wait for the pilot to stop talking.

"Get ready. We're about to take off."

"Okay," I say looking out the window.

I feel the plane starting to move and I squeeze Mark's hand.

"Why are you squeezing my hand so hard?" He says.

"Sorry." I let go of his hand and continue to look out the window.

After about an hour Ethan and Tyler are asleep and Mark and I are awake and on our phones. Mark was on Instagram and I was on my music app. I put in headphones and laid my head on his shoulder. He kissed it and I fell asleep like 5 minutes later. I woke up and we had about 20 minutes left. Mark and Ethan were sleeping. Tyler and I were up and talking.

"So, are you excited?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, who is going to be there?"

"Me, you, Mark, Ethan, Wade, Felix, Bob, and Jack."

"Really! I get to meet Felix, Jack, and Bob too?"



We were landing and I put my phone on airplane mode. I did so with Mark's phone too. I shook Mark and he woke up almost immediately.

"We're about to land."

"Oh okay."

We land and everybody gets up. We grab our stuff and we walk to the lobby. Two girls raced over to us and started talking.

"Hey." They both say.

"Hi. Are you guys going to Pax?"

"We sure are. Um, who is this?" One girl looked at me.

"This is my girlfriend, Y/n. She's coming on stage with us."

"Oh, I've seen her in a few of your videos. I think you should make a youtube channel. You're really funny and talented." The other girl said.

"T-thanks. I'll think about it."

"We gotta go. See you at Pax."

"Bye." They both say and they walked away.

I have fans. Since when? I don't know. We walk out of the airport and I saw Jack there.

"Who's this young lady?"

"Hi, I'm Y/n."

"I'm Jack."

"I know. I'm a big fan."

"That's cool."

"She's coming on stage with us if that's okay," Mark said.

"Yeah, that's great. Is she your girlfriend?"

"Yeah," I say.

"Cool. Let's go to a hotel."

"Let's go."

I'm Going 'Nuts' For You Markiplier x readerWhere stories live. Discover now