Am I sick?

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800 words

I woke up around 5 and I ran to the bathroom. I threw up a few times before Mark came in and held my hair up.

"You okay?"

"N-no. Uh, Mark?"

"Yeah?" He says questioning my face.

"Did we use protection?"

He looked at me and then look down. 'SHIT! I might be pregnant!'

"So is that a no?" I started to panic a little bit.

He shook his head.

"Mark, can we go to the store?" He just nods and we walk to our bedroom again. I got dressed and so did he. We put on our shoes and walked out the door, into the car. The car ride was silent until I broke it by speaking.

"Mark, please talk to me."

"What do I say? I just got you pregnant because I was stupid and didn't use protection."

"Mark, it's okay. It's done and we can't change it. If I am pregnant, at least we can start a family." I smiled at him and hopefully, the reassured him. To be honest I was just as surprised myself. I might be having a baby with the love of my life. I smiled at the thought. We finally reached the store and we went into the aisle with the pregnancy tests. We grab two and we check out. We got home and I did it immediately. It takes both an hour for it to determine whether I am or not. I decide that I am going to make breakfast. I get out the bacon, eggs, and bread and start. After like half an hour of cooking,  I finished. I plated everybody's food and woke up Ethan and Tyler. We all ate and I raced to the bathroom. I then heard someone walk over to the doorway. Ethan.

"Hey, Sis. You doing okay?" I was already looking at the test. I was in shock. I just shook my head. He walked out and got Mark. I started crying. I don't know if they were happy tears or sad tears.

"What's the result?" Mark said. I handed him the tests.

"They both are positive. So that means we are having a baby. Y/n! We are having a baby!" He said excitedly. I smiled and realized that they were happy tears.

"Yeah, we are," I say excitedly. Mark starts running down the hallway.

"Guys? Guys? I'm gonna be a dad!"

"Congrats!" Tyler says.

Ethan, on the other hand, doesn't seem as happy.

"Ethan, what's wrong?" I ask worriedly.

"Nothing." He smiles. "I'm happy for you."

"Ethan, I know you. What the hell is wrong?" I say getting annoyed because he won't tell me what's up.

"You guys are just getting married and now you're having a kid. Don't get me wrong, I'm am really happy for you both. But don't you think its a little too early?"

"I know Ethan. But it's happening and there is nothing we can do about it. I love this baby even though it's probably a speck or something."

"I'm sorry y/n. Wait, I'm gonna be an Uncle. I'm gonna be an uncle!" Ethan starts saying happily.

"Yup, so are you Tyler," I say and Mark nods.

"Really? Thanks, guys!" We all hug each other. I love everyone here including the baby.

"I love you guys," I say. They all respond with the same thing.

"Mark, we have to tell your parents!" I say.

"Do you want to wait till you start having a baby bump?"

"Sure!" God, I love everyone here. I can't wait till Mark and I have our own family.

"Let's go on a walk."

"Okay, let's go," Mark says pointing at the door and running towards it.

Ethan, Tyler, and I were laughing at him. We all walk around and go to the park again. This park is really special to me and Mark too.

"I love this park," I say happily.

"Me too. I can never be in a better park." Mark says.

"Why is this such a great park?" Tyler says and Ethan looks at us because he wants to know too.

"This is the Park Mark and I met at. We got to know each other here."

"This is where I was when I texted you and told you that I had feelings for a fan. That fan was Y/n."

"This is also the park Mark proposed to me at. This park is the most special place I've been to, not including home." I say.

"Okay." Tyler and Ethan said. We walked around and talked. This is one of the best days ever. I found out that I had a baby inside of me and in a month we're going to get married. I love this man and he loves me. I couldn't ask for anything more.

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