Memorable Memories

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754 Words

*Memory World*

I was crying on my bed staring and my dad.

"Please don't hurt her, daddy."

'Well, she needs to learn her lesson."

"But, why are you going to hurt her? She didn't mean to."

"Oh yes, she did mean to. She should've studied harder and got straight A's, but she got a B in math."

"I did study!" She yelled from the corner while sobbing. He walked up to her and slapped the crap out of her face.

"You should've studied harder."

I was filled with anger and pounced off the bed onto his back. You both fell to the ground and you were now screaming. He had stabbed you in the leg. You had to save your sister. (If you don't have a sister, pretend you do.) You get up and start limping towards your father again. he then turns around swiftly and stabs you in the arm. Your eyesight was fading, you were losing blood fast. He stabs your sister and laughs.

"S/N!" You yelled as you were slowly dying.

You used the last of your strength to get to the phone. you dial 911.


"Miss are you okay... help is on the way."

Soon everything fades into darkness.

You wake up in a small while room. You looked around and saw your sister.

"S/n?" You were weak. You could say much. 

*Beep. Beep. Beep.Beep...Beep.....Beeeeeeeeeeeep.*

"S/N!" I tried yelling but I just couldn't. Doctors came rushing in and surrounded S/N. I soon fell asleep again.

*Out of Memory World*

I woke up crying. I didn't know what to do. I looked at my clock and it was 7 in the morning so I decided to get dressed and take a walk. I put on a short sleeve panic at the disco shirt and black leggings. I started walking and thought about going to the park. About 5 minutes later I reached the park. I sat on the bench and got out my phone to listen to music. Someone tapped my shoulder and I took my earbuds out. I turned around to see who did it and it was Mark.

"Hey Mark, wotcha doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I rolled my eyes playfully and returned looking at my phone.

"Can I sit here with you?"

"Sure, go ahead." I patted the spot next to me and he sat down.

"Wotcha doin'?"

"Checking my Instagram."

"Cool, what's your name?"

"I/N."(Instagram name)

"Do you have Instagram?"

"Yeah, I do."

"May I know your name?"

"Yeah, you may. It's Markipliergram."

"Wait. You're Markiplier. That's why you're name is familiar."

"Yup. You watch me?"

"Definitely, Ethan and Tyler too."

"That's great. You wouldn't mind meeting them someday would you?"

"Are you serious? It would be an honor."

"That's great. They're coming in 2 weeks so you'll get to meet them then."

"That's good. I'm glad they aren't coming in the upcoming week."


"Well, I'm going to Disneyland with my friend Toby for a week."

"That's cool. I hope you have fun."

"Me too. We've been talking for about an hour you know that right?" I say smiling.

"It feels like we've been talking for a few minutes."

"Yeah, I know. Well, I'm going to head back to my apartment. Bye, Mark."

"Bye, Y/n."

I started walking away and kept thinking about how I just met Markiplier.

*Mark's POV*

"Bye, Y/n," I say. She then starts walking away. I'm glad I just met a fan. She's a really pretty fan, too. I knew she was a fan of me when I found Tiny Box Tim in a box. That's when I started to have feelings for her. 'No don't say that. You don't have feelings for a girl you just met. Or do I?' I thought. I have to talk to Tyler.

(T-Tyler and M-Mark)

M- Hey.

T- Hey, what's up.

M- I met a fan and...

T- and what?

M- I might have feelings for her.

T- Um, when did you meet her?

M- Yesterday.

T- Okay? Have you asked her out?

M- No, I think she has feelings for someone else.

T- Well, then just become friends with her and get to know her.

M- Okay, thanks.

T- No problem, sorry Mark I have to go. Bye.

M- Buh-Bye

I hung up and thought about what Tyler said. 'Maybe I should become friends with her and get to know her. Thanks, Tyler.'

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