Video With Bros Part 2 and The Park

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We started to get ready for the video. I started off with my intro that I had been thinking about for a while and Ethan said his.

'What's up my cranky crew! I'm Ethan from Crankgameplays and today Y/n has invited me to make a video with her!"

"Hi, I'm Tyler," Tyler says and Ethan and I started laughing.

"Today we're going to do a try not to laugh challenge!" Ethan interrupts me,  "But unfortunately there is no touching."

"Why is it unfortunate?" I ask laughing.

"Cause I know how to make up a laugh. You're really ticklish and I could just tickle you."

"Ugh, let's get started. It will go to Ethan, me, then Tyler. Let's see if Tyler is really as stone-faced as he seems. " I giggle to myself.

Tyler drinks some of his water and gets ready. Ethan being clumsy falls over a prop. I started to laugh and Tyler started giggling. Water started to drip out of his mouth and onto his chin. I had an idea. I pulled Ethan over to the corner and started to tell him the plan.

"Tyler laughed when you fell and now I have an idea. So you are going to tell Tyler to open his legs a little bit so you can crawl through. When you go through them,  I'll come over and slip on the wig that's behind him. But we need to make it like we didn't have the idea." He nods and we start walking back.

"Open your legs,  I can't reach the wig behind you while you are standing there," Ethan says. Tyler starts widening his stance and I started to laugh. Ethan crawled through his legs. I walk over to help Ethan up because he was actually stuck. I crouched and started to drag Ethan. Ethan's pants slid down. Tyler burst out laughing and fell on the floor.

"Oh my god! Did you guys plan that?"

"N-no," Ethan said.

"That was not the plan at all but it got you to laugh," I said.

"Yeah," Tyler said.

We took our turns and started to end the video. I said my outro and so did Ethan.

"That was Try not to laugh with Y/n and Tyler. See you in the next video. Stay Cranky!  Bye!"

We all wave at the camera and we ended the video. That was one of the funniest times ever.

"That was so fun! I loved doing a video with you guys." I said and they laughed at me.

"What?!" I say laughing.

"Nothing. We're glad that you had fun."

I felt my pocket vibrate. I took out my phone and I saw that someone had texted me. (Babe-Y/N and Markmellow-Mark)

Markmellow-Hey I'll be home in an hour. Did anything break while I was gone?😂

Babe- Okay. Nothing broke, I just did a try not to laugh challenge with Ethan and Tyler for my first youtube video.

Markmellow-I wanted to do that with you. But we can always do it another time.

Babe-Okay! I gotta help clean up the water. I'll talk to you later! Love you❤

Markmellow-I Okay! Love you too.

I put my phone back in my pocket and help clean up. We uploaded the video and we all said that we were hungry. I decided that I wanted to make dinner so I did. I made f/d (favorite dinner) because I knew everyone likes it.

"I'm home!" Mark yells from the front door. I just finished plating the food and I ran over to him. I jumped and hugged him, which almost made him fall.

"Wow,  someone missed me. I was only gone for like 2-3 hours." I look up at him and peck his lips.

"That's too long." He smiles and kisses me.

"Hey, Sorry to interrupt but is the food done?" Ethan said.

"You didn't interrupt anything and yeah it is. Come on!" I grab Mark's wrist and drag him to the dinner table.

We all talked for a little while until everyone went silent. They either ate or couldn't think of anything to say. Until I broke the silence.

"So, Mark. What did you and Jack do?"

"Uh... Um..... We went to the mall. We got some things and went home."

"Mark, you aren't telling me the truth or you're not fully telling the truth."

"You caught me, but I can't tell you until later." He says smiling.

"Whyyyyyy?" I whine.

"Because it's a surprise."

"Fiiiine," I said, playfully rolling my eyes.

*Mark's POV*

We have been dating for about a year now and it has been the happiest year of my life. She makes me so happy and I love her. I hope she'll say yes when I propose to her. I would be the happiest man on the planet. I'm also going to video it,  so we can show our kids. 'Woah Mark, Don't think too far ahead. You are just proposing to her.' I thought. I'll do it tonight in the park. That's where we really got to know each other.

*Y/n's POV*

We all finished our food and I started to wash all the dishes.

"Hey, you don't have to do that."

"I know but I want to." He turns me around and kisses me.

"What was that for?" I ask.

"I don't know. Maybe because I love you." He says smiling. I peck his cheek.

"I love you too, Markmellow."

"You call me Markmellow? Am I that fat?" He says as he playfully frowns.

"No, no, no. Remember that video where you wear 48 shirts and someone called you Markmellow? I liked that nickname so I just kept calling you it."

"Oh okay. I get to nickname you. How about Y/NN? (Your nickname) "

"Yeah, I like that."

"So would you like to go to the park with me?"

"Now? I'm kinda washing dishes. I can go in a little bit."


About 10 minutes later, I finished the dishes. I told Mark that I was ready to go and we were off to the Park. The walk is about 5 minutes and then we arrive. Mark lead me to a bench. 'This is the bench Mark and I had sat on when we had like a one or two-hour conversation. We finally became friends here.' I thought.

"Mark, we sat on this bench when we became friends," I say smiling. Mark was really quiet for a few moments.

"Mark? Are you okay?" I say concerned. He nods and starts speaking.

"In this very spot, we became friends.  I started to have feelings for you here. The more I got to know you, the more I liked you. And I wanted this place to be as special it can be. Y/n, will you make me the happiest alive and marry me?" I stood there silent for a moment and then I finally answered.

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