Tyler Is...

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756 words

*If you are sensitive to suicide and stuff like that skip the next 3 chapters*

I just noticed something. Where's Tyler?


"Yeah, babe?"

"Have you seen Tyler since yesterday?"

"No, I haven't," Mark said. He was starting to look concerned not that I mentioned his best friend is missing.

"I'm going to check if Tyler is in his room," I say and started to get up.

I walk over to Tyler's bedroom and I knock on the door. No answer. I knock again. No answer. I start to turn the handle and open the door. I just stood there speechless. Tears started to run down my face and I realized I needed to call Mark.

"Mark!" I yell, still crying.

He came rushing over and he started to cry. I walk into Tyler's room and I see him laying there. He looks dead. I checked his pulse. He has a very weak one.

"Mark call t-the p-police now!" I yell. "He's st-still alive. N-not for t-too long though."

Mark rushes to call 911 and I stay with Tyler. I keep checking his pulse and it's getting slower. i stood up and started to pace around the room. I then saw a note that says "I'm Sorry." in Tyler's handwriting. I pick it up and I heard sirens around us. I race back to Tyler and check his pulse again and it's almost stopped. The paramedics came and took him off. I couldn't control myself. I just start crying more. Mark comes into the room and hugs me. I lay my head on his chest and he is crying on my head.

"It's going to be okay. He's gonna m-make i-it." he starts to stutter over his words.

"His p-pulse was r-rapidly slowing down, Mark. What if he's not going to be okay?" I start to raise my voice, but then start to cry again.

"I-i know he is. He's strong." Mark says. 

I got the note off the floor and opened it.

"Mark, this is Tyler's suicide note," I say starting to read it.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. I'm sorry, Mark. I'm sorry, Ethan. I'm sorry, to everybody else who I was friends with. I never told anyone that I had depression and that I cut myself. I didn't think anyone would care. I thought I wasn't loved by anyone. I've tried persuading myself to not do this but I lost. I can't deal with this anymore. I'm sorry to Y/n because I just had to ruin our friendship by saying I had feelings for you. I'm sorry to Mark because I did this and I never told him how I was feeling before. I'm sorry to Ethan because I was actually happy when you were around. You made me laugh and stuff, but once you found out Y/n was your sister, you started to hang out with her more. I'm sorry Ethan that I hurt you. I'm sorry to everyone I hurt. I probably won't forgive myself if this fails. I love you guys.


Mark and I were crying at the note. I picked up the pill bottle and threw it at the wall. I was so mad at myself. I should've known that he was depressed. I lost my depression when I started to date Mark but my anxiety hasn't left. I start feeling like I can't breathe and I was hyperventilating.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" He says still with water in his eyes. All I could do was nod the word 'no' and he hugged me.

"You can do this. In....and... out." I start calming down.

"T-thanks M-mark. Can w-we go to the h-hospital?"

Mark nods and we get ready to go to the hospital. 

*Time Skip*

We walked to the front desk and we started to speak.

"Can we see Tyler Sheid?"

"Yes. In room 12." 

"Thank you." Mark and I say.

We start to walk over to Tyler's room and we see him. He's hooked up to machines. I walk in and sit next to his bed. I grab his hand and start crying.

"If you can hear me please wake up. I need you as much as I need Mark. You are a brother to me. I love you because of that." I start crying again and I lay his hand on his chest. I just put my head on his hospital bed and I felt something on my head.

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