✔️ Chapter 8 ✔️

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Third Person's pov


Eunha turned to the other side of the bed. She's been feeling uncomfortable since she woke up. There was literally something weird. She wanted to just stop thinking about it but the more she tries to think about other topics, the more it slips through her mind and makes her feel weird again.

"Umji-yah~" She called and the younger one ran up to her with a chicken bone on her hand. She tried to sit up so she could look at Umji properly only to fail. The younger wanted to laugh as she watched Eunha try again but kept herself. She didn't want to offend the girl, she already did on their first meeting and she didn't want to do it again.

"Yeah?" She asked, licking her fingers that were full of spicy chicken sauce.

"Can you please go and check for SinB. You know she can get in trouble any time soon." Umji laughed lightly and nodded.

"No problem. I'll be back as fast as I can." Umji threw the bone and then left the room.

Eunha smiled. Although they weren't together for years like what Umji and SinB have been, it was still much more comfortable having her junior beside her. Umji is one of the most patient students. That's why she survived to live with Hwang Eunbi.

But then the thought of her mate made her whole body stiffen. Is SinB okay? Maybe not. Eunha felt the pain her mate felt when they teleported back to their school. It was weird.

Everything became weird since she met her.

The weather outside was cold. It didn't felt cold though, it was warm.

Again, weird.

Eunbi looked out of the window. She was expecting that a dove bird would come and knock on the window to talk to her just like in the fairytales.

But their world is no fairytale. So it would never happen. But before she could spend her alone time more, Umji cam running inside after banging the door wide open. The walls almost had a crack. "EUNBI UNNIE!" Eunha rapidly snapped away from her daydream and gazed at Umji who looked terrified.

Eunha panicked. What was happening?

"What? What is it?! Did something happened to SinB?!" She shouted and started throwing the injections that were on her body.

"SinB and Yerin unnie is fighting. And I don't think they'd forgive each other. Judging on how they were moving, they looked so serious." When Umji finished, Eunha jumped out of the bed and dragged Umji out of the room.

She wasn't ready to leave the clinic, but it was SinB who's in a fight. And when SinB fights seriously, then her powers would be two or three times more dangerous than the normal one.

And in addition, she finally met Eunha which made her stronger.

Some students looked at Eunha as she was running with a hospital gown. The doctor confirmed that she needed to wear those to make herself comfortable and the medicines easy to inject in her body but thinking about her friend and her mate trying to kill each other made her forget what she was wearing.

"They're outside, on a road that is clear without anyone, fighting." Eunha mumbled and Umji was surprised.

How did she know?

"I used a clairvoyant ability so I searched throughout the whole school and outside," Eunha answered while running. Umji could only look at her in amazement."Never knew you have that kind of ability. Does that mean you can see someone's future?!" The younger girl excitedly asked.

But with Eunha's sigh, Umji confirmed that she can't. "I can't. I don't know why, but I really can't." Both of them ran out faster but were stopped when a man blocked their way.

"You can't go out." Umji sighed and started dragging Eunha again, ignoring the guy.

"Hey stop!" Umji turned to him furiously.

"Kim Yewon, the Head of the M.A.S." As soon as she say those words, the guy's face turned pale. He kneeled down and apologized repeatedly. She turned around and faced the opened gate. "I know you're just doing your job but now I order you to memorize who is who. And, well, we'll also have to talk later." 

"O-Of course! I promise I'll do well." He yelled.

"Good." She mumbled and held Eunha's wrist again as they started running. "I'm sorry unnie. He's new to his job so he makes mistake too much."

"It's fine. I knew that you're popular." Umji just laughed softly.

// five hours earlier //

SinB changed her clothes and got ready to go out. She still wasn't allowed to go out but you know, it's Hwang Eunbi. No rule can stop her once she made up her mind.

"Ugh! My stomach hurts. Why the fuck can't I teleport earlier? Did I use the portal too much?" She mumbled and got up.

SinB started walking but an idea came to her mind.


"Ahh!! I missed this." She fixed her coat and walked with her smug face but turned into a frown.

'Someone dies if they talk about that white eyes..' She thought and let out a big sigh.

Curiosity can always defeat someone. SinB smirked and nodded. "I'd find the answer myself." She smiled, assured that she can do anything. She made herself invisible and entered Eunha's room by walking through the walls.

'Where is Umji?' She asked herself.

She looked at Eunha and saw her thinking deeply. It made her curious. What was she thinking?

Her mate was safe. Everything was fine.

'I should go ahead. Disturbing her peacetime would be rude right?' SinB's eyes widened, amused by herself. 'Oh look at this. I'm so perfect. I even care for someone's peaceful time. Hwang Eunbi, you're a perfect idiot.'

She's not a narcissist. She just loves herself.

But yeah well maybe she's just a little bit narcissist.

SinB left the room. But as soon as her mood was starting to get happy, the sight of Yerin holding the doorknob of Eunha's room made her furious. She made herself visible again.

"What the fucking hell is this bitch doing here?" She mumbled and started walking faster, approaching the older girl and holding her wrist, pushing her to the other side.

"Who are you to enter her room?" Yerin just laughed. It made SinB angrier. Hearing her laugh was more irritating than to hear an alarm clock waking you up.

"And who are you to push me like that?" She said, the wind around them changing into a dangerous wave of air.

"I told you, she's mine. Don't show up or I'll break your bones. Or worse I'll just crush you with my hand." She spat out dangerously. But it didn't scare Yerin.

"Oh really?" She smirked. "How about a fight? The one who loses won't see Eunha anymore."

But SinB's smirk was more perilous. It meant something.

"Deal." She said.



January 23, 2020

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