✔️ Chapter 33 ✔️

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Third Person's pov



Yuna won't do it.

She won't do such a thing.

"That same day where you suddenly went missing and Eunbi found you under a tree, Yuna was missing right?"

What does that even mean?

That Yuna was the one who took her and left her under that tree?

No, that's impossible.

Pushing aside how Eunha didn't want to believe that Yuna's not her friend and is one of the enemy's most precious spies, if- just if... if Yuna's really their enemy, why would she suddenly take Eunha and leave her with a note? A note that can be classified as a warning?

Was it possible because she still has a good heart despite everything?

Or maybe...

Or maybe it's not her...??

"Yuna... Choi Yuna!"

Desperate shouts of her best friend's name left her mouth but soon turned into small whispers when her throat started to get dry and her vision became so blurry she had to stop and lean on the wall for support. "Just- Just show yourself and tell me Yerin's lying... please..." Yerin is a troublemaker. She must be doing this for fun-


Eunha gripped her head and whimpered in pain.

How could she think of Yerin so low like that? She's her friend and Yerin didn't do anything to hurt her... except for the incident in the rooftop.

Both of them are her friends yet Eunha doesn't know what to believe.

Was everything just a huge barrier made up for her to not see the other side?

Why build one when someday she'll know it anyway?

'Simple. Because I need your naiveness.'


"Oops, I'd stay there if I were you."

Eunha wiped her eyes and soon had her eyes landed on a certain woman dressed in an outfit almost the same as the man on the rooftop. A robe made out of leather but still looks silky topped with a cape colored in dark green. No, this isn't Yuna, this isn't her friend.

"Yuna never wore something like that. She prefers pink, any shade of it. And capes aren't her thing either. She'd rather wear something comfortable and not fit... something smooth and thin and light... something..." Eunha's words trailed off as she felt herself being sucked into something else. It was then she realized Yuna's eyes weren't like before. Its color didn't change, but there's a glint of mischievousness and darkness in it.

Ah, no.

This isn't Choi Yuna at all.

"Hm? Why the halt? Describe me more, please."

"No, no it's not you. I was describing my friend... who are you?"

"Why, it is me, your friend, though not anymore. I meant I was your friend." The corner of her lips curled up and her smile was too different from the bubbly Yuna that Eunha found it even more frightening. "Crap, was I even your friend?" She laughed, mocking Eunha.

The other's tears stopped falling but her eyes surely looked tired and red. Done with small and pointless conversation, Eunha pulled herself up and stood firmly on the ground. "If you were never my friend, why did you come when I was calling out for you?" She asked.

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