✔️Chapter 39 ✔️

39 3 0

Third Person's pov


"We live to die. That's the simplest explanation of our existence. Everyone's just clinging to the fact that we all have a purpose in our lives to make ourselves feel better. Better enough to fight for something that will end up killing them anyway. That's how we live, and the way you're against it just shows how much you think you academians are always right."

"It's not about how we think we're right. We're all fighting for something, aren't we? It just happened that we don't share the same perspective about our lives."

Yuju snorted, finding Yerin's reply ridiculous. Her blue eyes became more evident, and the same transparent box she used before was floating above her palms. "Let's cut the bullshit, Jung. Stop acting like a decent vampire now that you're one of the reasons why this is all happening. We're all the same, don't fucking sugarcoat your sins." She gritted her teeth while Yerin stayed composed.

She knew that at this moment, she could lose her life. She laughed, finally realizing her situation. She held out a huge gang, probably 20% of the academy's population. She managed to lead them, showing everyone how powerful she was. Having herself in this kind of situation makes her feel ridiculous and pathetic. This is the consequence of her power? Damn right, she wished she could just disappear entirely right now.

"Sure... I'll fight you to death."

Yerin glared and clapped her hands once before quickly placing both her palms on the ground. The ground started to move, and tons of iron and metal began to form through the cracks and holes. She pushed even more and swayed her hands, controlling the metal's directions. The iron so swiftly attacked Yuju's direction. Still, the other quickly jumped and stepped on the iron instead before moving to another place.

Yerin gritted her teeth and pulled her hand from the ground, a sword coming out from the soil. The moment she got a hold of the sword tightly, she quickly jumped on one of the moving irons and went to charge at Yuju. The demon opened her palms and blocked Yerin's attacks. The vampire groaned and pushed the other away.

She couldn't even scratch her.

"Is that all?! Jung Yerin?!"

"Do I look like I'm already tired?"

Yuju laughed humorously, ignoring Yerin's retort. "Doesn't matter. It's my turn!" Yuju shouted from a distance before placing her palms on one iron bar. Blue-like lightning suddenly appeared that the iron bar started to dissolve and turn into tiny bits of arrows.

'iron into arrows? what the fuck is her power?'

Before Yerin could calculate the following possible outcome, her instincts quickly pushed through her, making her jump in the opposite direction, saving her from the arrows. "Seriously? Arrows? You think that'll be enough?!" She was bombarded and charged in Yuju's direction.

"Little twit, I haven't even started yet." She smiled and held another iron bar, turning it into fluid and spreading it through the whole ground, creating large spikes coming out from the background.

"W- What the fuck is this?!"

She had never seen such power. Yerin knew her magic was intense... but Yuju turning her iron into something different?? She thought deeply as Yuju continued to attack and her to block and avoid it.

'Seon-u's magic is about air... but I know this isn't nearly similar to his. She can dissolve things and create something from it.' Yerin hissed and jumped high to the clouds, giving her more time to think. Then a realization struck her. 'Could it be that her magic is to dissolve and replace?! That's lost magic... how the hell did she obtain it?!'

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