✔️ Chapter 12 ✔️

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Eunha's pov


I pressed play on my playlist and turned it on full volume. Making the music boom through the speaker as loud as it could. I started to dance, ignoring the sweats I was earning since I started practicing. I ate too much with Umji and SinB, I need a diet. Don't I?

With slight courage and confidence, I looked up at my reflection. I had always wanted to watch myself dancing in front of the mirror with a satisfied feeling. I admit to myself that I can never really dance that well. And that's why I'm starting to practice again.

I have been singing when I was only seven years old so I'd say that I'm really good at it now but then- my dancing skills are bothering me. Dancing is my second habit but I can't even do it and the results I want are the very opposite of reality.

When the door opened, a guy entered the studio and bowed at me. I think he's a senior.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your practice but I think you forgot that you still have your classes today."

My eyes widened as I look at the clock. It wasn't working and my alarm clock was also out of batteries. Damn, I forgot to change it.

I saw him looking outside.

"It's 6:35 PM." He spoke and turned to me with a small smile.

Wait how did he know?

"I can calculate time by looking at the sky." Wait that is so cool. You see, that is a rare kind of ability. The most common here is metal bending, ice, and fire.

"Thank you, please tell them that I'm coming. I just need to fix my things." I smiled apologetically. He nodded and left the room without another word.

"UGH! I HATE THIS!" Now my professor is going to kill me.


I fixed my hoodie and tightly held my bag before entering the room with closed eyes. I heard nothing but silence which is very new to me. Why? Because every time I came late, my professor or sometimes, even my tutor would always yell at me or throw papers in my direction. Yes, just papers.

I slightly peeked in through the door and saw my new teacher, Kim Hyun Joong, strumming his.. so-called 'string instrument that's made of wood' while sitting on the floor. I watched him while doing so. He's honestly so handsome. He also has a good voice.. and a nice smile

Well.. yeah. I admit I have a crush on him. I-It's not that I'm cheating I mean who wouldn't like this man?


I stood up straight and accidentally bumped my head on the wall. Oh shit.

"Eunbi-ssi," He called and smiled.

"Hyun Joong sunbaenim." I greeted back and bowed at him. He placed his instrument beside him and stood up. He's undeniably charming although he's just wearing a purple sweater! "Sorry that I'm late." I slightly bowed at him again.

"It's fine. I actually thought that you wouldn't come." He said and slid his hand inside his pocket.

"Of course I'll come, I want to be responsible with my classes-" But he quickly cut me off by telling me to stop with his hand raised. Is something wrong? "Sunbae..?" I hesitantly asked.

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