✔️ Chapter 24 ✔️

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Third person's pov


Eunbi held her hand high, placed her palm flatly on the door, and closed her eyes. The metal was melting slowly that she pushed her hand more, wanting to get out as soon as possible. Few more seconds, she suddenly felt the same cold wind behind her.

"If you want me then show yourself, I'm done with hide and seek."

"Perfect," A husky voice of a certain male answered. "I didn't intend to come here just to talk and play a game, I came to give you something."

She didn't turn around, instead, her hand left the door. "What is it?" Slowly, she carefully stepped and turned around. But because the fire she made to light up the room earlier had died down, darkness enveloped the room once again which meant she couldn't see the man she was talking to.

Swift move, just as fast as Eunha's speed, the cold wind flew past her that Eunbi was startled. She blinked twice and looked around.

"We brought you here for a reason," His voice turning a lot more confident. It was as if he was explaining something so powerful. It was as if he knew they were going to win. "You are the heir, the descendant, the daughter of the King. Now run along, they are coming."

The moment the voice disappeared, a loud bang shocked Eunbi's senses that she stumbled back and brought her arms to her face in an instinct to protect herself. She looked in front of her and saw the door broken and lying on the floor.

Did that man open it for her? Who was coming? And what did he give her?

"Go away," An unidentified man bumped her shoulder slightly and as he walked past her, different thoughts occurred in Eunbi's head.

Should she let him be? No, he just disrespected her. But it wasn't like he knew who she is, but then again,  he still shouldn't be so cocky. Eunbi should punish him.

She smiled and bobbed her head, satisfied by her decision.

But wait,

She stopped.

How would she punish him? He's just a normal vampire, should she be cruel or should she go easy on him? Oh! Should she try forcing the thing that cold wind gave her to come out? Eunbi figured that it was something dangerous, maybe power or some magic? She sighed.


'Eunbi-ssi,' Taeyong's voice echoed inside her head. She stopped. Did he just talk to her with his inside voice? 'We're at the entrance.'

She was about to run forward when she suddenly remembered, ugh, she doesn't know the routes and what's inside this huge... castle!

'Give me instructions, I don't know anything in here, I can't find my way out.'

'We don't know any of that either, how about you act like one of them and ask for instructions?' Eunbi could imagine him sheepishly smiling.

'This isn't some goddamn school! They locked me up, I can't just blow my cover that I got out of some stupid room. Don't you have any plans?'

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