Chapter 2

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"Sky!! It's time to wake up!" My brother yelled walking into my room.

I groaned and rolled to the other side. I did not want to wake up. I stayed up till 1 am reading. My book was just too interesting to put down.

"Sky!" Dylan started to shake me making me groan louder.

"Stop. I'm up I'm up." I mumbled.

"Good. Now get dressed I have breakfast cooking." He left and shut the door.

I groaned one last time and threw my covers off of me. Brrr. Now I'm cold. I slowly get out of my bed and head to my bathroom. I do my bathroom stuff and head back to my room.

I look through my closet and finally pick a simple outfit. Some yellow jean shorts and a coral tank top with my grey converse.

Now I know what you may thinking. Shorts and a tank top in Canada? Well it's 84 degrees out and feels like 87 so.

I quickly braid my hair and walk down stairs to the kitchen where my brother is indeed cooking. He is even cooking my favorite breakfast. Pancakes and eggs. Strawberries are on the counter in a bowl with whip cream by them.

"What the occasion?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He turns to glance at me before turning back to the eggs.

"You're cooking my favorite breakfast and it's not my birthday and I didn't win a championship or anything recently."

"Can't a brother cook his sister her favorite breakfast without a reason?"


"Well that's what I'm doing so shut up and eat."

I didn't argue and I did eat. 3 pancakes a lot of eggs and about 14 whipped cream covered

"Now you have hockey practice at 1 and I'm bringing you over to Lee's in about an hour." Dylan explained cleaning up the table.

"I know. You told me yesterday and the day before and you wrote it on the schedule on the fridge." 

I started doing the dishes.

"Just making sure you remember. I'll finish up here you go get your stuff ready. You're staying over night too since mom and dad are out of town and I won't be back till tomorrow."

"Alright." I dry my hands off and walk up the stairs to my room.

My parents were both on separate business trips and my brother was going to help at his friends fathers garage.

Lee is my best friend. His parents and my parents grew up together since they were like 5 so naturally Lee and I are growing up together.

He is 5'7 and has dirty blonde hair and grey eyes. He is pretty muscular because he plays hockey with me.

Lee and I wanted to be in a sport together and hockey was the only sport that we thought was interesting and was coed. We started when we were 6.

I packed my overnight bag with the essentials and packed my hockey bag. I made sure I had my skates, stick, pads, and practice clothes.

I grabbed my book and sat down in my reading chair and read.

I didn't even realize that an hour had passed till I heard my brother call me. "Sky. We have to leave!"

I jumped at his voice but calmed down quickly. I packed my book and grabbed my bags and went downstairs. I followed Dylan out of the house and into his car.

We drove to Lee's and he helped me bring my bags to his door. I rang the doorbell and waved at Dylan who was leaving.

"Hey there Skylar." Lees mom, Leslie, greeted me. She grabbed my hockey bag and I followed her into the house.

"Hi Leslie."

She set my hockey bag by the front door since we had hockey at 1.

"Lee's outside in the backyard."

"Thanks." I ran upstairs and set my overnight bag in his room and ran back downstairs and outside to the backyard.

Lee was sitting on a stump drawing. Lee is an amazing drawer. His drawings are so detailed and awesome.

He set his pencil down and stared at his drawing. I decided to sneak up on him. I very carefully slowly tip toed over to him.

I put my hand down his shoulders the same time I yelled. "Boo!"

I immediately start laughing at his reaction and how high he jumped. I've always been able to scare Lee easily. Heck even his two year old cousin can scare him.

"Sky. How many time have I told you to stop scaring me!"

After I finished laughing I responded. "A lot." Which made him just glare at me. "I'm sorry but your reactions are so funny."

He picks up his drawing book and pencils and sits back down on the stump.

"What are you working on now?" I asked standing up.

"Nothing much. I just sketched a lion. Haven't put many details into it yet." He handed me his sketch book and I looked at the sketch of the lion.

Even though it was a sketch it's amazing. Even without detail is amazing.

"That is really good. Lee." I said handing back the sketch book.

"It's ok." He said shrugging.

"How many times have I told you to stop being modest."

He smiled at me before responding. "A lot."

"Whatever doofus." I rolled my eyes. "Let's do something."


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