Chapter 12

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Skys PoV

His he going to show up? It's almost time for Canada to play against Iceland. Adam said he couldn't come but maybe he will?

I shook my head. It's useless. 

"You Good Sky?" Carter asked.

"No. But I will be."

"Forget about him." Lee said. He was completely pissed at Adam last night.

"I can't."

"Why not."

"Because I love him."

"You, you what?" Lee asked with confusion written all over his face.

"Love him. A lot."

"Who's ready to kick some Iceland butt!" Hayden yelled.

Thank you. I mentally said. I knew Lee is not happy with this news but it's true and I can't help it.

That's why it hurt so much when he said he wouldn't come to my game. It's because I love him and he doesn't love me.

I get up and walk to the ice with the rest of the team. We all start doing laps. I skate next to Carter while Lee skates right behind us.

I look up to the stands looking for USA. I spot Connie and Guy holding a sign that says
"Kick some butt #13!"

I laugh and point. Carter looks up and laughs too. They all were in pairs of two holding signs that said various sayings for me, Carter, and even Lee. I still didn't see Adam though.

"I'm sorry." Carter said.

"Why?" He has nothing to be sorry for. He has been nothing but supportive of me and Adam.

"He isn't with them."

I look down and sigh. I got my hopes up and shouldn't have. My heart just broke again.

"Look I know your hurting, but take all of that pain and anger and put against Iceland." Carter said placing his hand on my shoulder. I nodded and we skated to the bench where coach was calling us.

Coach gave everyone their positions and we skated onto the ice. I was at center. The Iceland player smirked at me as the ref dropped the puck.

He instantly pushed me down and skated away with the puck. I groaned and got up. I quickly skated trying to catch up to they guy with the puck. I couldn't reach him in time and they scored.

Carter went to Center and successfully got the puck to Hayden. He sprinted down the ice but got knocked down and the puck got stolen by #33.

James was in front of him waiting for him to make move but he got knocked down from the side. #33 ended up scoring. 2-0 Iceland.

We changed players and I was on the bench. This is going to be a long game.

Third quarter was about to start. 10-0. Iceland. The game had been rough. We all have multiple bruises and cuts and are sore. Very sore.

We all are on the bench waiting for coach come talk or yell at us. I had been looking up at USA every once in awhile just like I was now.

We had just come out of the locker room. When I saw their faces I was surprised that were all smiling, happily. To happy.

What's going on? I went down the line again. Connie and Guy were the farthest from the isle. Then Julie and Luis. Dean and Fulton. Averman and Jesse. Goldberg and Dwayne. Then last but not least Charlie.

Except Charlie wasn't the last one. Adam was sitting there, holding a sign of his own. "#13, I'm sorry and I love you."

It was plain and simple. But I loved it. I started patting Carters arm, over and over.

"Will you quit it! What do you want?"

He turned to look at me. I pointed and his head followed. He broke out in a grin. I was still speechless, mouth hanging open and eyes full of shock.

"Lee!" Carter yelled.

"What?" Lee asked walking over to us. Carter pointed and Lee saw Adams sign.

Lee was just as shocked as I was. Carter on the other hand was happy, very happy.

He was jumping up and down cheering. Who knew he could be such a fan girl sometimes.

Adam has lowered his sign, probably because he didn't want to catch too much attention and have it on tv.

Carter started shaking me and pointing at Adam. Team USA was laughing except Adam. He was sitting there waiting for a reaction from me.

I finally snapped out of my trance. I started grinning like an idiot and kept nodding my head over and over.

"Bring it in team!" Coach yelled.

He gave a speech and we got out onto the ice. I took center. I was now more than ever determined to play better.

I stole the puck and passed it to Carter. I avoided collision and skated up the ice. I called for the puck and Carter passed it to me. I was gaining on the goalie and shot the puck.

I heard the buzzer go off. I scored! Yes! Finally! I looked at Adam and him along with all of USA was standing up, clapping and cheering.

Sadly that was the only goal we scored. We lost 15-1.

We were all disappointed but that was only one loss. We need two to go home. After we all showered and changed I was met with USA.

"Good game." Charlie said.

"Thanks." Carter Lee and I said.

"Adams by the water fountain." Connie whispered into my ear when she gave me a hug.

I nodded and excused myself. I walked to the water fountain where Adam stood waiting.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi. Good game."


"Scored a goal." He said winking.

"The only goal." I said grinning.

"I'm really really sorry about how I acted for the past week something came up and I didn't know how to respond to it. I love you."

"I love you too." I said.

"Really you do?" He asked. He was smiling from ear to ear and his ocean blue eyes were sparkling.

"Really." I nodded.

"That's good then."

I looked at him confused. He started pulling something from his back pocket. It was a box. A ring box.

"Woah. Adam. I know I said I love you but I'm only 13. Too young for marriage." I blurted panicking.

Adam started blushing. "Sky. It's a promise ring."

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