Chapter 11

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Adams PoV

"Adam what the hell?" Julie yelled standing up.

"Yea man!" Charlie added. "You can too go to the game why'd you say no?" He also stood up.

"Yea. She looked heart broken. She really likes you and you've been distancing yourself for the past week." Connie said.

"Because I can't."

"The hell with I can't. What's the actual reason?" Julie asked.

"You wouldn't understand." I mumbled. Keep calm Adam.

"Try me. You're probably just some snuck up rich boy who likes every girl in their sight and always listens to daddy. Huh? Is that it?" Julie asked super mad.

And that's when I lost it. I jumped up off of the couch. "I am not any of those things you just said! I'm torn apart inside. My dad wants me to get rid of her. He doesn't want her in my life! He said I looked too distracted during the Iceland game and asked me why. I said I wasn't distracted. I said I met a girl I really like. Hell I love her. But he won't listen!It's either be with her or have my dad pissed at me and I can't play hockey. You have no idea what it's like to be in my shoes. Sure I have money but the only thing my dad cares about is my placing hockey! So if I'm 'distracted' and not playing well or have anything else in the way or that I'm focused on he won't let me play hockey. So what am I suppose to do!! Huh. Tell me! God damnit!"

By the end I was crying. I couldn't keep in the tears they just came pouring down. I ran out of the room and out of the hotel.

I have no idea where I'm going but I keep walking. What the hell am I supposed to do now? I blew up at my teammates, I might lose the only girl I have deep feelings for. Shit.

Maybe I shouldn't play hockey anymore. Maybe I shouldn't be here anymore. Maybe I should just leave. Go back home.

"Adam! Adam wait!" Charlie yelled running after me.

I kept walking, wiping my tears away.

"Adam, please!" He called desperately.

"Go away Charlie." I yelled.

"We didn't know!"

"No shit. And I had meant to keep it that way." I yelled turning around and stopping.

"I'm sorry, Adam." He said catching up with me.

"Not now Charlie." I grit my teeth together.

"I didn't know your father was like that. If you had told me..."

I cut him off. "You would've told me at least I have a dad."

"No I wouldn't have." I turned back around and started walking. "I'm glad I haven't meet my dad, according to my mom he was, and probably still is, a drunk."

He started walking with me but I ignored him.

"Adam. Will you please just come back?"

"And do what exactly. I blew up at the team I'm losing the only girl I have ever loved. What the hell am I suppose to do?" I yelled at him.

"Just talk to Sky. The team isn't mad at you. They understand now why you've been distancing yourself." He said.

"Oh they understand. I bet they do." I sarcastically said.

"Not like that. They just aren't mad at you ok. So let's go back. Talk to Sky."

I debated it in my head. I need to get sky back. Whatever it takes. I nodded my head and walked back to the hotel. Charlie followed in silence.

"You can do this." Charlie said as I stood outside Sky's door.

I have been standing here for 5 minutes and haven't knocked. So Charlie knocks for me and runs away.

"Really Charlie!" I yell at him.

"You can thank me later!" He yells before disappearing into the lounge.

Carter opens the door and glares at me. He starts to open the door but I stop him by sticking my hand out.

"Wait. I need to explain to Sky about what happened." I begged.

"No." He slams the door shut.

I bang my fist against the wall next to their door. "Dammit!"

I walk back to my room defeated. I open the door and slam it shut. I collapse on my bed.

I sit up and pick up my phone. It rings. Maybe he won't answer. Maybe I won't have to tell him...


"Hi dad."

"Adam. How are you?"


"Oh. And why is that?"

Come on just tell him. You have to be honest.

"Because you are making me get rid of the only girl I love." I said rushing through it.

"Adam..." He starts.

"No dad please. Don't make me do this. I love her and I don't want to lose her. She's amazing. She's a hockey player and plays for Canada."

"No Adam. I'm coming down for your next game. Your last game."

"Dad!" I yelled but it was too late, he had hung up.

"Adam? Are you alright?"

I guess I was too busy talking to my dad I didn't even hear the door open and Connie walk in. Connie?

"No." I bluntly said.

"So I'm guessing the talk with Sky did not go well." I shot her a confused look. "Charlie told us." She sat down on Guy's bed.

"Carter answered the door and he wouldn't let me talk to her. I really screwed up."

"It not your fault Adam. And I'm guessing the talk with your dad didn't go well either?"

I shook my head. "He's coming to our next game."

"Isn't that a good thing?" She asked confused.

"No. It's my last game."


"He's making me come home after we play Germany."

"He can't do that!" Connie yelled springing up from Guy's bed.

"Well, he's going to."

"Adam you have to tell Bombay! This just can't happen!"

"What's the point anymore? I came here to have a good time to get away from my father. But then I did something I never thought would happen, I fell I love with a girl, an amazing girl. But then I screwed it up and now whenever I walk into the hotel or the arena I get sad and think about her. I tried to tell my dad but he wouldn't listen."


"Connie, don't. It's useless, I'm leaving and it's for the better."

What I learned // Adam Banks TMDWhere stories live. Discover now