Chapter 13

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Skys PoV

"Oh." I muttered. Now I was the one blushing. I feel so stupid. Adam had pulled out a ring box and I blurted our saying that I'm too young for marriage and it was a promise ring.

"Yea. I wanted to give it to you because I love you and I am sorry for how I acted but also because some rough things are going to happen and, I want to know that you'll stay with me until they are sorted out. Not matter what happens." He holds out the ring.

I don't hesitate and take it from him. I slip it on my pointer finger. I hug him and kiss him on the check.

"Thanks you." I said.

He shook his head. "Thank you."

"What do you mean by some rough things are going to happen. You seem so certain that they are?" I ask momentarily confused.

"I'll explain later." He said too quickly. I raised my eyebrows. "Let's go back to our teams."

I nodded anyway and took his hand. He flinched and pulled his arm away.

"I'm sorry Adam. I didn't..." I stopped.

He looked at me, guiltily.

"Adam. You need to tell your coach about this. You could permanently injure yourself."

"I can't." I looked at him. "Fine I will."

I smiled. "Good." I kissed him on the check again. I took his other hand and walked back to our teams.

"Hey lovers." Carter said. Everyone was looking at us with a knowing look.

"You told them?" Adam asked Connie.

She shrugged and smiled. "I had too."

Adam laughed. "They were going to find out anyway."

"We should go to the cafe downtown." Carter suggested.

"We'd Love too but we can't." Charlie said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"We have practice in 15 minutes."'

"Awww. That sucks." I whined.

"Sorry." Adam said kissing the top of my head.

"Eww." Lee whined. I laughed.

"Come on we gotta go ducks. See you later." Charlie said.

"Bye." Carter, Lee and I said.

Adam let go of me and followed his team.

Adams PoV

"You Banks. Hurry up!" Portman yelled.

Practice had ended and I made sure I was the last one out.

"I'll be out in a minute!"

I went to my locker and threw my towel in. I grabbed my wrap and started to tape my wrist. I've been doing this since the Iceland game. Making sure no one saw me or the tape.

"Now think how you'd play with two good wrist." Someone said from behind.

"Coach." I said turning around.

"I should've seen it. Sorry I wasn't doing my job."

"I'm fine. I can play I swear." I said. I stood up grabbing my coat.

"Ok." He grabbed my stick that was leaning against the locker. He handed it out to me. "Let's see."

I put down my coat and I started to take it with my left hand, my good arm. "The other hand." He said stopping me.

I dropped my left arm and sighed. I grabbed the stick with the right hand.

"Now turn it."

I tried to but it hurt too much. Too much pain. It felt like a hundred tiny needles poking me bone and they were on fire.

I dropped the stick, tears pricking my eyes.

"I'm sorry Adam but I'm going to have to bench you."

I looked up at him. "What! You can't do that! I got to play! All those scouts are here watching me, this is my shot!" I said.

"You're young, you'll have lots of shots."

"But my dads counting on me." I sat down on the bench. "Not that it matters anymore." I muttered.

"What?" He asked sitting in front of me.

"It doesn't matter anymore." I repeated.


"My dads coming to the Germany game. After that he's making me come home."

"What, why?"

"Because I fell in love with an amazing girl."

"What does that have to do with hockey?"

I looked at the floor. "My dad has this ridiculous rule that I can only focus on hockey. I can't have anything else going on in my life besides hockey, and school. He said I looked distracted in the Iceland game and I explained about Sky. Now he's making me come home."

"Not on my watch." He said grabbing his phone. He handed it to me. "Dial your dads number."

I did.

"Hello? Is this Mr Banks?.... It's Gordon Bombay your son, Adams hockey coach..... yes..... he told me that you want to take him after the Germany game?..... only because he feel in love?..... Well you are not allowed to take him out of this tournament.... I'm sorry but I'm his coach. I need him in this tournament.... I'll assure you he'll play his best... Yea here he is."

He handed me the phone and I took it.


"Yes dad?"

"I've decided not to come get you after the Germany game but I am coming down to talk to you in person. I want to talk to you in person."

"Ok dad. Thanks. I'll see you then."

He hung up and I handed Bombay his phone.

"Thanks Coach." I said.

"Anytime. Adam. Anytime. Whenever you have a problem, any type, Come to me. Alright?"

"Alright." I agreed.

"Great. Now let's go get that wrist x-rayed."

I nodded and followed him out of the locker room.

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