Chapter 8

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Adam's PoV

Today's the day we play against the number 1 ranked team Iceland. They are really big and strong and we all know it. Plus Sky and some of her teammates are coming to watch us.

Ill admit it I really like Sky. To be honest I haven't gone for girls inky past. Sure I've noticed that a lot of girls crush once and want me but my dad has always told me to stuck with hockey and not bother with girls.
Speaking of my dad he won't be happy when I tell him about Sky.

Charlie, Connie, and I are in the elevator heading to the arena when Sky, Carter and another guy comes on.

"Hey Adam. Charlie. Connie." Sky and Carter greeted us. "This is Lee." She added pointing to the other guy.

"Hey." We all said.

"I'm so excited to watch you guys." Sky said.

Thought out the elevator ride I noticed Sky and the new kid Lee were standing really close. Like couple close. Shit. Are they dating? Man.

We got off the elevator and we started to head outside. Since Charlie, Connie and I are playing we have a bus that brings the entire team. But Sky, Carter, and Lee gave to walk.

They said their goodbyes and good lucks and started to walk away but I grabbed Sky's arm stopping her.

"Hey I was wondering..." I stopped.

"Wondering what?" She asked confused.

"Are you and that kid Lee I'm dating?"

She started laughing, really hard. It took her a couple of minutes to stop. I just looked at her confused.

She wiped tears out of her eyes before she answered. "Oh my god sorry. It's just that me and Lee." She breathe din deeply to stop laughing. "Would never date, ever. He is my brother."

I started to blush my face become red and heated. I'm so stupid.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know. I just assumed when you said you had an older brother that he was older and not a twin." I explained.

"It's totally fine." She interrupted.

"Well now that I have that sorted out. I have another question."

"What is it?"

I opened my mouth but got interrupted.

"Yo Banks hurry up!" Jesses yelled from the bus.

"Just a sec!" I yelled back. I turned to face Sky and blurred it out. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Shit. She's not responding. "Of course is love too." She said smiling huge. She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"Banks!" Coach yelled from the bus.

I pulled Sky away against my will. "I should probably go."

"Oh yea of course. Good luck."


I walked onto the bus and Sky walked to a waiting Lee and Carter.

I sat down next to Charlie. "What took so long Banksie?" He asked.

"I just asked Sky to be my girlfriend." I said smiling.

"What did she say?"


"Finally!" He yelled.

I looked at him with confusion and so did everybody else.

"What is it Charlie?" Multiple people asked.

"Banksie here finally has a girlfriend." He shouted.

I sunk lower in my seat reddening. Thanks a lot Charlie.

"Oh my god who?"
"We never thought you'd get a girlfriend."

"It's Sky." Charlie replied to my teammates comments.

Connie and Julie squealed really loud making me wince. The guys just congratulated me. Can this ride go any faster?

Finally we arrived at the arena. The whole ride consisted of the team talking and congratulating me about finally having a girlfriend. It was torture.

Anyway, we are on the ice warming up. I spotted Sky, Carter, and Lee in the stands. I waved and smiled. They waved back and Sky smiled.

"Bring it gang!" Coach yelled.

We all skated in.

"Ok so we are going to have Adam at Center...." and he listed the other players positions that were starting. "Ok now on 3."

"1...2...3... USA all the way!" We cheered.

I skated to center and meet the Iceland player. He smirked at me. The ref came and dropped the puck. The Iceland guy got the puck and tossed it back to his team mate. He came for me but I ducked and skated away.

The Iceland guy had the puck, he passes to another player and that guy shot making it 0-1. We got the puck but all of them body checked us into the wall or to the ice.

That's what it was like most of the game. By the end of the second it was 0-4 Iceland.

We really have to pick it up in the third period.

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