Chapter 14

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Sky's PoV

I was currently admiring my promise ring that Adam gave me when Lee snapped me out of my thoughts.

"So you really love him?" He asked. I lifted my head up to look at him.

"I do." He nodded and looked down. I immediately felt guilty. "I'm sorry." My eyes stayed to water.

Lee's eyed snapped back up to meet mine. He looked confused as he got up and walked and sat down next to me on my bed.

"Why are you sorry? Hey, stop crying." He wiped the tears that fell down my checks. Instead of answering I buried my head into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me and just held me as I cried.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled once I calmed down.

"Mind telling me why?" I sat back and looked at my hands.

"I know you don't like Adam or any of the ducks and that you only want the best for me because you are basically my brother and I feel like I ruined something between us because I fell in love with Adam." I said all in one breath.

He sighed. "When you first meet Adam I knew you liked him, even if I wasn't there. I can admit I was angry at Adam and even just a tiny bit at you because I thought that if you guys started dating you wouldn't have time for me. But I know now hat I was extremely stupid for even thinking that. I can tell how much you love him." Lee admitted.

"Oh Lee, I'll always have time for you. Your my best friend and my brother." I leaned over and hugged him but was interrupted by the slam of our door.

We both looked to see Carter sliding down the door, like I had done just days before, looking horrible.

I jumped of my bed and quickly made my way over to him. "Carter! What happened?"

Lee grabbed Carters arm and pulled him up. Carter took off his coat.

"Did you get in a fight?" Lee asked. I looked at him confused until he pointed to Carter's neck. There was a small purple bruise. Carter blushed and placed his hand over the spot and that's when I realized.

"Lee, he didn't get into fight. That's a hickey."

Lee looked at Carter. "Hell Yea! Who's the lucky girl?"

I rolled my eyes. Stupid boys. I looked back at Carter waiting for his answer and saw he was rubbing the back of his neck and looking at the floor, shuffling his feet. His checks were all red and he looked conflicted.

"Leave him be Lee." I said. Carter looked at me thankful but I gave him a look that said 'you'll be telling me later' and he nodded. Something is definitely up and I intend to find out.

"Fine." Lee said. Carter grabbed a change of clothes and went to the bathroom. Soon the shower turned on.

"Who do you think he was with?" Lee asked.

I walked to my dresser and grabbed my book. "I don't know and if he doesn't want to tell us we should accept that and don't bother him about it."

"You don't want to know who it is?"

Oh I want to know who it is but I have a feeling that he doesn't want us to know but I will find out. Oh I will.

"Of course I do, he's one of my best friends. But if he doesn't want to tell us I admire that and you should too." I said sitting down on my bed.

Lee thought for a moment before he nodded. "Alright I wont bother him about it."

"Good. Now let me read."

"Fine. I'm going to go talk to Adam."

That made me jump off of my bed for the hundredth time today. "What! Why!"

He smirked. "I just want to apologize for being a jerk."

"Is that all?"

"Of course not."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine but be nice."

"Always." He smirked again and left. May god be with Adam.

I walked back to my bed and read for five minutes before Carter walked out of the bathroom. His hand was still covering the hickey but uncovered it as he looked around the room. He relaxed.

"Mind telling me who it was?"

He jumped and turned to me.

"I heard the door closed and thought you and Lee had left."

"Only Lee did. May Adam be ok. Anyway, you mind telling me about that?" I asked pointing to the hickey.

He put away his other set of clothes and sat down on his bed. He held his head in his hands. "I do. But I'm scared."

"Scared of what?" Now I sat on the edge of my bed, confused but concerned.

"That you won't see me as me anymore."

Now I am extremely confused. "Carter, just tell me who she is." He shook his head. "What do you mean no?" I know I had to question further so I did. "Is she apart of a different sport?"

This time he nodded. I smiled. I was getting somewhere. "Ok. Which one?"

"Track and field."

"Alright. Which team?" He didn't say anything. So I walked over to his bed and placed my hands on his shoulders, turning him to face me. "Carter, you are one of my best friends you can trust me and I swear that I won't tell anyone if you don't want me too."

He nodded. "The Bemidji tigers."

Now I paused. "But they are all boys."

Carter meet my eyes for the first time tonight and they were full of worry and his face had sorry and sadness written all over.

He nodded. "I know."


Hey! So I finally updated. I am so so sorry for not updating. I had a lot going on and I didn't feel like you all didn't enjoy my story that much until I had a comment saying to update. That gave me motivation. So thank you and enjoy!

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