Chapter 16

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Adams PoV

I woke up to the light flashing in my eyes. Ugh. I don't want it to be today. In just a few hours my dad will be coming. I have no idea what will happen.

I slowly get out of my bed and grab a change of clothes and head to the bathroom. Once I'm finished in there I change and walk back out to see that Guy and Averman are still asleep.

But Charlie's missing. He was in his bed when I went to the bathroom. Right? I heard the door open and close and saw Charlie standing there with some doughnuts.

"I heard the shower turn on so I figured you might want some breakfast." He handed me the bag after he took one himself.

"Thanks." I took a bite of my doughnut and heard one of the beds creak.

"I smell doughnuts." Averman said. Charlie and I laughed.

"Have one." I said holding out the bag.


"Who knew you could be like Goldberg sometimes." Charlie joked.

"No one can be like Goldberg when it comes to food." Guy said yawning.

"Morning Guy." I said and handed him the bag. He grabbed a doughnut.

Eventually we ate all the doughnuts Charlie had bought and they had all taken showers and gotten ready for the day. It was 9:37. My dad was coming around 10:30, if his flight landed on time.

I decided to go visit Sky instead of just sulk in my room. I walked down the hall and knocked on her door. It took her a minute but she answered.

"Hey Adam." She kisses my check and lead me into her room.

"Hey Sky. Hey Carter, and who's this?" I asked. There was a dirty blonde haired boy, who looked around our age sitting next to Carter.

"Carter want to introduce him?" Sky asked.

"Oh uh sure. Adam this is Ty, my boyfriend. Ty this is Adam, Sky's boyfriend." Carter said. His face was a little red and he was looking at his feet as he introduced us.

"Hey Ty, nice to meet you." I said and stuck my hand out. He gladly took it.

"You too Adam." He seems nice and looks familiar.

"Where are you from? You seem familiar." I said.

"I'm from Bemidji, Minnesota. I'm on the track team. You seem familiar too."

"What's your last name?" He seems so familiar but I can't place where I've seen him before.


Then it came to me. "Wait, your older sister Sydney is dating my brother Austin. No wonder you seem so familiar."

"Oh yeah. We only meet once but that was a good day. It's nice to finally see you again."

"Yeah. So you're dating Carter?" I asked.

Carter and Ty exchanged a glance and looked back at me. "Yeah." Ty answered.


Carter broke out in a grin and Ty nodded his head. I was about to say something when my phone started to ring.

I flipped it open and answered. It was my dad.

"Hey dad." I looked at Sky and she looked back in uneasy.

"Adam, I'm almost to the hotel. I'd like it if you meet me at the park next to it."

"I will."

"Good. See you soon."

"Bye." I shut my phone and closed my eyes. I opened them as I felt hands wrap around my waist.

"Come with me." I said.

It startled Sky but she nodded. "Alright. See you later guys. Be good."

Ty and Carter laughed. "Don't worry we will be."


We walked out of her room and shut the door.

"Are you sure you want me to come with?" Sky asked.

I nodded. "I think it'll be easier with you there, for me anyway."

"Ok." We started to walk out of the building and to the park. As we got closer I could see a male figure sitting on a bench. It was my dad.

"Hi dad." He stood up and eyed Sky.

"Adam. I presume this is the infamous Sky."

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir." She held out her hand and my dad surprisingly took it.

"My wife told me to be nice. You seem like a kind young lady. Tell me about yourself, I might end up liking you. Not including the fact that you are dating my son in one of his most busiest seasons."

I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Well let's see, I live in Thunder Bay Canada, I'm almost 15 years old, I'm an A student. Love hockey and reading. What else's do you want to know?" Sky explained kindly.

"What do your parents do? Do you have siblings?"

"My mom is a manager of sears, my dad a manager of a music company. I have one brother who is a senior and becoming a mechanic."

My dad eyed sky up and down. "You're alright. I'll allow it seeing as Adam can't play anymore he can't be distracted."

Sky and I broke out in grins. "Thanks dad." He nodded.

"I'm going to my hotel. I leave tonight. Tell the ducks good luck, and good luck to you to Sky." My dad said before turning and walking away.

I waited until he rounded the corner and was out of sight before I picked sky up and spun her.

"I'm so happy!" She squealed. She kissed me once I put her down.

"Me too."

"You know, I think he's growing on me." We burst out laughing.

We walked back to the hotel holding hands. That went a whole lot better than I thought it would.

Hey everyone! 
I'm so sorry for not updating in forever. I got logged out and couldn't remember my password. I got busy with school and high school swimming that I didn't have time to look for.
I just found it yesterday when I was going threw my desk.

Hope you'll still read

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