Chapter 5

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I looked at my watch and decided to head back to my room. We had practice in 20 minutes. I'm still mad at Lee and I don't even know why I'm mad I just am.

I had walked all around the hotel and now I'm a little lost. Great. I found the nearest elevator and waited for it. It dinged and opened. I entered to be meet with some of team USA.

"Hey Sky." Charlie said.

"Hi Charlie. Fulton, Adam." I said walking on.

"Wait who are you?" A blonde haired girl asked.

"I'm Sky. I play for team Canada."

"How do you know them?" The other girl asked.

"I accidentally ran into Adam earlier."

"Oh well I'm Julie." The blonde haired girl said.

"I'm Connie. It's nice to actually meet another girl here."

"At least you two have each other." I mumbled.

"Wait. Are you the only girl on your team?" Julie asked.

"Right now I am. The other girl on my team broke her leg so she couldn't come."

"Well you need to hang out with us some time. Have some gal pals." Connie said.


The elevator had reached floor two and we all hoped off. We walked down the hall and I got to know that Connie and Julie's room is the door next to mine but there's a hallway separating us.

"I'll see you later." I said stopping at my door.

"Bye." They all said walking on.

I opened my door to find Carter playing cards and Lee drawing.

"Hey." Carter said noticing me.

"Hi." I went to my dresser and grabbed my practice closed and went to the bathroom to change.

I walked out and saw that Carter and Lee had changed also. I got my bag ready and we walked to the elevator together. We rode down in silence.

We meet the rest of the team in the lobby and we rode over to the rink on a bus. I sat by Carter much to Lee's dismay.

~~~~(skip the practice.)~~~~

Right when we got back from practice I took a hot shower. It felt so good. I changed into some comfortable clothes and read.

Lee still didn't try to talk to me and I wasn't going to talk to him either. Carter was clearly uncomfortable because he kept shifting in the weird silence.

My reading was interrupted by a knock on the door. It's a good thing I didn't put on my pajamas. I answered the door and standing there was Julie and Charlie.

"Hey Sky." Charlie said.


"Our team is hanging out in the lounge. We were wondering if you wanted to join us." Julie said before she quickly added. "And your team mates are welcome too."

"Sky." Lee warned.

I turned to look at him and I said staring him right in the eye. "I'd love to."

"Uh." Julie started uncomfortably. "That's great. Would any of you two like to join us?"

Lee just grunted and turned away from her. Carter on the other hand.

"I'd like to." He said walking towards us.

"Carter!" Lee yelled.

"Save it Lee."

Carter quieted and we all walked down the hall and to the lounge.

"Sorry about him. Our coach gave a big speech about how we are here to play hockey and not to meet people." I explained.

"It's fine." Charlie said brushing it off.

Carter looked at me and I realized. "Oh I forgot. This is Carter. Carter, Julie and Charlie."

"Hey." Carter said giving a little wave.


We arrived at the lounge and Julie and Charlie headed straight in while Carter and I lingered a little.

"Hey everybody!" Charlie shouted.

That quieted the noise and everybody turned to look at him.

"This is Carter and Sky from team Canada. This is...." and he went off and introduced everyone on team USA.

"Hey." They all said once Charlie was finished.

"Hi." Carter and I said.

There wasn't much room so I ended having to squish next to Adam with Carter on my other side.

They had ordered pizza and let us have some. Most complaints from Goldberg. He is their goalie and a little pudgy in the stomach if I may add.

"So Sky, Carter, where in Canada are you from?" Connie asked.

She was almost basically sitting on top of this kid named Guy. They look like they're a couple by the way they act. They are so cute.

"Thunder Bay." Carter answered.

"It's only about 5 hours away from the Minnesota border." I add.

"So how far would that be from Minneapolis?" Guy asked.

"Probably about 6 hours." I said.

"Hey you could come visit us!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Yea like every weekend." Averman added.

"Um I don't know if our parents would be happy about that." Carter said.

"Are you two siblings?" Jesse asked.

Carter and I laughed. "No no. That's funny though. I only have an older brother." I said.

"Yea and I'm an only child." Carter said.

"That's cool." Julie commented.

That's how the next couple of hours went. Carter and I trading facts about us with team USA while they tell us facts in return.

It was a lot of fun but it was time we head to bed since they have a conference thing in the morning and we probably do too.

Carter, Connie, Julie and I walked back to our rooms together. We had reached Julie and Connie's room and were bidding them goodnight.

"Hey Sky?" Connie said stopping me from going to my own room.


"Adam was totally checking you out. I think he likes you."

With that she shut the door leaving me utterly confused in the hallway with Carter standing next to me grinning like an idiot.

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