Chapter 15

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Sky's PoV


Carter jumped up. "I'm sorry. I knew I shouldn't have told you." He started to pace.

"Carter, I am very happy you told me."

He stopped and turned to look at me. "Really?"

"Really. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't accept you for you."

I got up and hugged him since he looked on the verge of tears. I was right. Once I hugged him he burst into tears but hugged me back.

"Thank you. You have no idea what this means to me." Carter said.

"Don't worry." He released from our hug and wiped away the remains of his tears on his checks. "How long have you known you are gay?" What? I'm curious.

"Since I was 12."


"And before you ask his name is Ty. We meet when I stayed late at practice one day. I was walking out of the locker rooms and he was heading down the hall. He dropped his sweatshirt without realizing. I picked it up and ran after him."

"What happened next?"

"Well, I gave it to him and he thanked me. We traded room numbers and decided to hang out at the cafe the next day. At the cafe he told me he was gay and that he likes me. It took me by surprise but I told him I was gay too. After that we started to hang out more, mostly in his room because his roommates knew he was gay. Then for the first time we made out earlier. I-I think I really like him."

"Aww. You guys sound so cute together. When can I meet him, if that's alright."

"It's more than alright. I'll talk to him about it. Thank you again Sky."

"Hey don't worry about it. Now it's my turn to ship you two." He playfully rolled his eyes and laughed.

Then he suddenly stopped. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Do you-do you think they'll accept me?" He asked scared.

"I know they will, And if they don't Well, screw them." We both laughed.

"I don't think they'd like that." Carter said.

"Well if they don't accept you why not?"

"Girl we need to teach you to think dirty."

"What?" I'm so confused but then it hit me. "Not like that you idiot." I said punching his arm making him laugh.

"Ouch sky." He rubbed his arm where I smacked him and started to fake pout.

"Oh stop it." I said rolling my eyes.

"That actually hurt. I think it was your ring."

"Oh sorry."

"So how are you and Adam?" He asked sitting on his bed. I sat on the floor in front of him.

"We're great at the moment. But he said somethings going to happen and I'm scared."

"Don't be. Adam gave you that ring to know he's going to stick with you. If he said something going to happen just let it happen. I'm sure you'll be fine." Carter said playing with my hair.

I nodded my head. "Do you want to go get something to eat? I'm hungry." I asked standing up.

"Of course."

"I'll have a chicken sandwich with a vanilla milkshake please." The waitress nodded and wrote my order down.

"And I'll have a cheeseburger and a chocolate shake." Carter said.

The waitress nodded and walked away.

"She seems friendly." I said. Carter laughed.

"I bet. Hey, look who it is." Carter said pointing to the door.

I turned to look and saw Adam, Charlie, Julie, Connie, and Guy. But Adam had a sling.

Julie caught my eye and waved. She started to walk over us and the rest of them followed.

"Hey Sky." Julie said.

"Hey Jules."

"Mind if we sit with you?" Charlie asked.

"Not at all." Carter said.

Since we were in a booth Carter and I scooted all the way to the wall and Guy, Connie, and Julie sat next to Carter and Adam and Charlie next to me. It was a tight squeeze but we didn't care.

"So you finally told your coach about your wrist." I said.

Adam looked at his sling then at me. "Um kind of. He confronted me in the locker room, he caught me putting tape on." He said guilty.

I smacked his arm. "Adam!" He winced.

"I'm sorry but he took me to get it x-rayed. We found out I sprained it, badly. So I can't play for the rest of the tournament."

"Oh. I'm sorry Adam." I hugged him from the side and he kissed the top of my head. "Yeah me too."

"Me three." Charlie said. We both looked at him. "What? Now how are we gonna beat the other teams with out our best player."

"Charlie I'm one player. You still have the rest of the team."

"Yeah but now we have an empty spot." Guy pointed out.

"What about that guy from the puck game, Russ? Maybe he'll want to join." Adam said.

"Brilliant thinking Adam. I'll talk to him tomorrow." Charlie said.

"Anyway, who do you guys play next?" I asked. I had no idea who my team even played next.

They gave each other uneasy glances and Carter cleared his through. I turned to him.

"Sky, they play us."

"Oh." I looked at my hands and then at everyone else. This next game was going to be difficult. "Hey look the foods here." I said changing the subject.

The waitress handed out the food and we all immediately dug in, totally forgetting about the game.

"That was delicious." Connie said putting her fork down.

"It was." Julie agreed. I nodded.

I leaned in to Adam and whispered in his ear. "Can we go for a walk?"

He nodded. The waitress came back and we paid for our food and left. Guy, Connie, Julie, Charlie, and Carter walked back to the hotel while Adam and I walked to the nearby park.

We sat on a bench and I rested my head on his shoulder. For awhile we just sat in a comfortable silence.

"I'm still confused on when you said something bad was going to happen."

He sighed. "My dads coming here tomorrow."

I sat up excited. "Really! I can meet him right?" I immediately settled down as I saw his face. "Is everything ok?"

"Not really. He doesn't really see eye to eye with me about you."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Well, you know that week I was distancing myself." I nodded and he continued. "My dad had called and told me he was going to take me out of the tournament and bring me back home because I told him about you." I immediately felt guilty. "I told Coach about it when he confronted me in the locker room. Coach talked to my dad and now I can still stay here but he's coming down to talk to me."

"This is all my fault. I'm so sorry." I felt like crying. I almost got him taken out of the tournament. I mean he can't play anyways but he almost had to leave.

"No it's not Sky. It's nobodies fault. My dads just being a jerk. There's nothing new about that."

"I still feel guilty."

"Well don't, please. I'll talk to him about it tomorrow and maybe he'll want to meet you."

"Ok. I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed me and I laid my head back on his shoulder and we sat there for awhile. And I loved every moment.

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