Chapter 3

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Lee and I just got dropped off at the ice rink for hockey practice. We headed to the locker room where some of our teammates were already getting dressed.

We stopped at our lockers which were right next to each other and we also started getting dressed. I put on an old t-shirt and leggings and slipped my pads on over top and wore one of my jerseys.

As we were changing our other teammates came in and changed as well. Once we were all ready we headed into the ice and started doing laps till our coach came.

"Bring it in!" Our coach, Samson yelled.

We all skated in to the box where Samson was. He looked really happy for some reason.

"I have exciting news." We all looked around in confusion. "So you all know about the Junior Goodwill games are coming up right?" We all nodded and mumbled in agreement. "Well guess who gets to represent Canada!?"

"Who?" A lot of us asked.

Coach just looked at us. "We do!"

I turned to Lee in shock. We get to represent Canada in the Junior Goodwill Games?? Really? I could tell Lee was thinking the same things based on his facial expression.

We all erupted into cheers and excitement. We got in one big team hug and patted each other's backs.

"Now now. Settle down. I know this is really exciting but we also need to get to work. There are going to be hard and big teams there. Including Iceland and USA."

"We can take them." Our enforcer, James said.

"Yea." Our team agreed.

"I didn't say you couldn't. I'm saying we need to work hard."

"And we will." Our captain, Hayden said.

We all murmured in agreement.

"Now we will leave in a month. So let's get to practicing."

"Dad! Guess what!" Lee asked happily.

Practiced had ended and Lee's dad, Jake, was picking us up.

"Hello to you too."

"Hi. But you won't believe what happened!" Lee rushed.


Lee looked at me and we screamed it at the same time. "We get to play in the Junior Goodwill games!"

"Wow really! That's awesome guys." He high fived us.

"Coach said he was going to email the parents tonight." I informed him.

He nodded his head and started to drive back to their house. Lee and I couldn't stop smiling and talking about going to Los Angelos. It would be so much fun.

When Jake pulled into the driveway we hopped out quickly and ran into the house hauling our bags behind us.

"Mom! Our team gets to play in the Junior goodwill games in Los Angelos!"

"I know I just got the email! I'm so happy and proud of you two!" She gave us both hugs.

"What's the Junior Goodwill games?" Lee's younger sister, Hailey, asked popping up from behind the counter.

"The Junior Goodwill Games are hockey games for young children. They go to Los Angelos and compete against teams around the world." Leslie explained picking up Hailey.

"Wow that sounds fun. Can I join?"

We all laughed before Lee said. "Hails you're only 4 you're too young. Maybe someday."

"Yay!" She squeals. She hops down from her moms arms and runs down the hall. Her little pigtails flopping as she goes.

"She's so cute." I said.

"Congrats on making the Canada hockey team little sis." Jordan, Lee's older brother said walking into the room and hugging me from behind.

"Thanks Jordan."

Since Hailey was only born 4 years ago, Jordan and Lee didn't have a sister. Since our families are really close, practically family, Jordan has always called me his little sis and still does and probably still will.

Hailey even thinks I'm her biological sister because of Jordan. Her parents have told her that I'm only a very close family friend but she doesn't believe them.

"Hey! What about me!"

"You too little bro." Jordan said ruffling Lee's hair.

"Can I borrow the office? I want to call Dylan and then my parents."

"Of course you can."

I walked into Leslie's office and took out my phone. I dialed Dylan's number and it started to ring.

"Hey Sky. What's up?"

"You won't believe what happened Dyl!"

"What happened?"

"My team got chosen to represent Canada for the Junior Goodwill Games!!" I practically shouted into the phone.

"Really?! That's wonderful Sky! I'm so proud of you."


"Have you called mom and dad yet?"

"No I wanted to tell you first."

"You should call them now. I have work anyway. Love you. Bye."

"Love you too. Bye."

I hung up on Dylan and started to dial my moms number before I got interrupted by an incoming call from my dad.

"Hey dad."

"Sky we just got the email! We are so proud of you."


"We'll be home tomorrow ok?"


"We love you."

"Love you too."

I ended the call and sat on one of Leslie's chairs.

Even though my mom is just the manager at Sears, she's always busy and my dad is the co-producer of a music company and works at home, he spends most of his time in his office.

I get to see him at least 2 hours of the days he is home. And when he isn't working at home he is either at his office at his work place or on out of town business trips.

Dylan is the one who takes care of me and with going of too college soon, it's going to be difficult. At least I have Jordan still. He's going to be a junior in high school.

I head out of the office and to Lee's room. Lee was siting at his desk drawing, again. I plump into his bed and take out my book. I begin to read and I think about the games.

It's always been Lee's and my dream to either be on the Junior team or NHL team. I can't wait to be in Los Angelos and compete.

This month can't go by fast enough.

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