Chapter 6

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"Stop smiling like that." I complain, chucking a pillow at Carter's shoulder.

"Ouch." He mumbled rubbing his arm. But he still didn't stop smiling.

It had been almost 2 hours since Connie 'claimed' that Adam liked me and said he had been staring at me.

"What is up with you two?" Lee asked clearly annoyed.

"Man what's got your knickers in a twist?" Carter asked.

Lee just rolled his eyes. "You two have been acting so weird since you came back from hanging with those people."

"Those people? Those people. They have names but since you didn't bother learning them, call them team USA at least." I said. Man he is being a jerk.

"That doesn't answer why you've been acting weird."

"Someone's crushing on Sky. He looovveess her." Carter said in a lovey-dovey voice.

"Carter! He does not love me." I yelled before calmly saying. "Connie was probably just joking around."

"Huh huh. I even saw him stealing glances at you."

"What? Who?" Lee asked.

"Don't worry Lee it's nothing." I glare at Carter, telling him to shut up. But does he. No.

"Adam Banks. He kept looking at Sky and Connie said that she thinks he likes her."


"What?!" Lee yelled madly.

"Great way to go Carter. And why are you all mad? It's not even your problem."

"It is my problem because it involves my sister. My best friend." Lee explained quietly. "I'm sorry."

"What? I can't hear you?"

I actually heard him quite fine but you know me and lee usually never apologizes. I have to savor this moment.

"I said I'm sorry." Lee said louder.

"I know. And I forgive you."

He stands up and walks to give me a hug. Lee and I have had some fights and this is usually how it goes. We don't talk for a while and then something else pops up and we make up. It's our logic.

"Wait. Did you just call her your sister? I thought you guys weren't siblings?" Carter asked confused.

"We aren't siblings by blood per say but logically we are." I said.

"Logically? Yea whatever I'm not getting into this."

"Have you not picked up on this? We use the terms brother and sister a lot."

"This is going to be hard to explain to team USA." Carter said.

I started laughing.


"They already thought we were siblings and now with Lee and I. Oh boy."

"They thought you were siblings?" Lee asked pointing between us two.

"Yea but I can see it. We have the same build and same light blue eyes."

"Anyway. Let's go to bed. We have that conference thingy tomorrow morning." Lee said.

I guess we should. It's ten o'clock and we have the conference thing at 9 and our very first game later that day. We all get ready for bed and turn off the lights.

Does Adam actually like me? Or is Connie joking? Do I even like him is the real question. And I don't have answers to either of these questions.

~~~(skip the conference and part of their first game)~~~

We were in the middle of our first game against Trinidad and Trabago. We are winning 9-1. USS beat them so if we when, which I'm positive we are, they will be going home.

It's the third period and we only have 3 minutes left. I'm on the ice taking the face off. The ref drops the puck and I immediately push the other teams pamper over and take off with the puck.

I pass it to Carter and doge a player. He passes it back and I shoot and score!! Woohoo!! That's my 2nd goal today.

My team mates surround and hug me and of course cheer. Carter takes the face off this time and we basically do the same thing.

He gets the puck, passes to me while dodging another player, I pass back he shots and scores.

Trinidad and Trabago's defense is really failing hem. They are tired and we can tell. By the end of the game it ends 12-1.

We won our first game! Yes!! We all do a celebratory lap and head to the locker rooms. We all change in happiness. We rocked this first game.

When Carter, Lee and I were leaving we were meet with team USA. Lee kept walking though and caught up with James.

"Great games guys." Charlie said high giving us.

"You guys watched our game?" I asked. 

"Yea and that was amazing. You guys are really good." Julie said.


"That was nice of you too watch us. When is your next game?"

"Tomorrow at 2 against Iceland." Guy responded. "Why?"

"Because we want to watch and support you." Carter said before we were interrupted.

"Hey you two. Coach wants us all at the hotel for something." Hayden said running up to us.

"Oh ok. Bye. See you tomorrow." I said.


I started to walk away when someone grabbed my arm. Carter kept walking no noticing I wasn't by his side. Iturned around.

"Oh hi Adam." He looks nervous.

"Um I was endearing if you might um want to go on a date with me?" He asked nervously. He kept shifting from foot to foot and was scratching the back of his neck. Aww how cute.


"Really? How about I pick you up at 7?"

"Sounds like a plan."

"Great. Well I'll let you go to your team. Bye."


It's clear to say he is no longer nervous but instead really happy he walked away with a little skip in his step.

Oh my god. Yes!  I'm going on a date. I'm going on a day with Adam. Woohoo.

"Hey! Sky! Come on." Carter said realizing I wasn't by him. "Why are smiling like that. Your face is like glowing."

"Because I'm going on a date with Adam tonight!" I squealed.

"And you thought he didn't like you. But the question is do you like him?"


Oof So sport I haven't posted in a couple of days. Been really busy with sports.
Hope you enjoyed!

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