Chapter 10

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Sky's PoV

Practice was hard but at least we didn't have Bombay as Adam has said he is mean now. Thinking about Adam I'm gonna go see him.

I knocked on his door. I haven't seen him in a week. After a few minutes Guy opened the door.

"Hey Guy is Adam here?" I asked hopeful.

"Hey Sky." Hey looked behind his back and slightly closed the door. After a couple minutes he opens it wider.

"Sorry he's busy." He said smiling slightly. Like he feels bad. Like he is lying.

"Oh ok. Tell him I stopped by? And um Carter, Lee and I were going to be in the lounge and were hoping you all would come. Around 6."

"Yea sounds fun. See you then."


He closed the door and walked to my room.

Adams PoV

Guy shut the door. "Dude what's up. You asked her to be your girlfriend a week ago and now you're distancing yourself."

I just shrugged.

"Dude tell me."

I sighed. "Everybody was just so happy I finally got a girlfriend. There's a reason I haven't before."

"What's that reason?" He asked sitting on his bed.

I guess I can tell him. I mean Charlie is my best friend but he won't understand my problems with my dad. He'd just say at least you have a dad. Guy is my next best friend so I guess.

"My dad."

"What?" He asked.

"My dad. He tells me to only focus on hockey. If something else comes in the way I won't be able to play. He is very strict like that. He called the morning after the Iceland game and said I looked distracted during the game and I told him about Sky. He told me to get rid of her. I don't know what to do Guy? Do I let go of the girl I love or keep her and have my dad mad at me and not be able to play hockey?"

"Wait you love her?"

Did I say love? I guess it slipped out. But I do. A lot.

"Yea." I said.

"Wow. Man I don't know. Just come hang out with us later ok? Take it from there."


Sky's PoV

It was 6 and team USA was walking into the lounge together. I waited for Adam and he walked in last looking very sad.

"Hey what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing I'm fine." He said not meeting my eye.

Something is definitely going on. But I won't push because I'll wait for him to tell me.

We all sat down and I was going to sit by Adam but he sat at the end of one couch next to Guy. So I sat by Charlie and Luis. Sadly.

We played Go fish and some other card games for awhile. I kept trying to get Adam to look at me but he wouldn't look at anyone.

"Sky and Lee. I think we should go to bed. We have a game tomorrow." Carter said.

"Oh yea right. I completely forgot. You guys should come again." I said.

They all shook their heads except Adam.

"Adam are you ok?" Carter asked.

"Yea I just can't go." He mumbled.

I frowned, hurt. "Why not?" I asked.

"Because I just can't."

"Banks you can so go. We don't have anything tomorrow." Charlie said. Everyone else agreed.

"I said I can't alright." He yelled.

I flinched sighing. Heart broken. I don't why it matters so much but it hurt. I start to cry and quickly leave. What the heck? Why the hell am I crying.

Carter and Lee chase after me and I run right into my room and collapse on my bed crying.

"Hey Sky. It's ok. It'll be alright." Lee said rubbing my back.

"I don't know why but it hurts." I mumbled. What is wrong with me?

"Hey listen. Calm down. I know it hurts. He probably just had a bad card game or something." Carter said.

I turned to look at them. "But he didn't he has been ignoring me all the time for like a week. I don't understand." I cry even harder now.

There's nothing they can do. Maybe I should've listened to Coach.

Hey short chapter but I didn't want to many POVs switched.

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