Chapter 4

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Man was I wrong. This previous month went by quick. Coach had two a day practices which took up most of our time. I packed something everyday and read too.

Lee and I hung out a lot, like usual. I hung out with some of my other friends also but not as much as Lee.

One of our players got injured. Diana, she was the only other girl on the team. She broke her leg when she went skateboarding. Some idiot driver didn't stop and hit her.

Anyway, we are all currently on a plane heading to Los Angelos. I was seated next to Lee and Carter. They are also the people I have to share a room with.

Carter and I have been reading while Lee has been drawing. The captain said we are about to land. I'm literally bouncing in my seat I'm so excited.

Coach just lead us into the hotel where we are staying. We are on floor two with some other hockey teams. I think USA, Italy, and Germany.

Graciously, the boys let me have the big bed to myself while they shared the bunk beds. I had unpacked all of my clothes into a dresser and had set my books on top of it. Lee and Carter had unpacked their things too.

Once I was done I realized I was very hungry. I had seen a snack machine down in the lobby. The whole team had to trade our currency for American currency when we got to the lobby.

"I'm going to get some food. I'll be back soon." I told the boys heading to the door.

"Get me some chips?" Lee asked.

"Me too?"


I decided to walk down the stairs instead of taking the elevator. I was admiring the decor when I felt a body knock mine down.

I fell to the floor. I looked up and saw a tall blonde hair blue eyed boy.

"I'm so sorry." He said holding out his hand.

I took it and he helped me up. "It's fine. I wasn't really watching where I was going."

I stared into his blue eyes. They are really beautiful, like ocean eyes. He is really hot too. I hadn't realized we hadn't let go of hands until I felt my palms go sweaty.

I quickly let go of his hand and blushed a little. He had been staring at me too.

He was about to say something when someone shouted. "Hey cake-eater? Where you at?"

A couple of boys turned the corner where we were at. "There you are cake-eater. You can't just wonder of like that." One of the boys said.

Cake-eater? Is that a nickname or something?

"What's a cake-eater?" I ask.

"A cake-eater is a...." The same boy started but then the ocean eyes boy interrupted.

"It's just a nickname." He glared at the boy who he interrupted.

I really need to learn these peoples names. It's getting confusing.

"Ok? Well I'm Skylar Camden but you can call me Sky."

"I'm Charlie Conway." A brown curly haired boy said stepping forward. "This is Jesse Hall." He pointed to the boy who was saying cake-eater. "Fulton Reed." Fulton was a really tall, muscular boy. Kind of scary. "And I'm guessing you know Adam Banks." Adam Banks was the blonde haired blue eyed boy who had knocked me down.

"It's nice to meet you." I said sweetly.

"What are you here for?" Jesse asked.

"Hockey." I said.

"So are we. We're team USA. What team are you from?" Fulton asked.


"Aww the kind ones."

"I guess." I said shrugging.

"Well we better get back to our dorms and get ready. We have practice at 3." Charlie explained.

I nodded. "See you later maybe."

"Bye." They said turning around and walking away, only Adam didn't.

"It was really nice meeting you." He said before he himself left.

I stood there for a moment before I continued on to the vending machine. Adam was really cute and he seems really nice.

I had reached the vending machine and got three bags of chips, a Gatorade, pretzels, fruit snacks, and some starbursts. When I'm hungry, I'm hungry.

I make my way back to my room. I open the door and tossed the chips at Lee and Carter and sat down on my bed.

"Took you long enough." Lee complained.

"Sorry I ran into some people." I said opening my pretzels.

"Who?" Carter asked.

"Some players from team USA."

"Sky! Do you not remember what Coach told us not even 3 hours ago!"

"Of course I do."

Who would? On the plane coach had told us that we were here to play hockey, not to socialize or make new friends or have any distractions. He made it pretty clear.

"So why'd you go and do the complete opposite?" Lee asked.

"It wasn't on purpose and they aren't my friends. I accidentally ran into one of them."


"Which one?" Carter asked finally getting into the conversation.

"Well I ran into Adam Banks." I couldn't help but smile. Wait, why am I smiling? "And then I meet Charlie Conway, Jesse Hall, and Fulton Reed." I added hoping they didn't see me smile. Wait why am I concerned about a smile?

"Well stay away from them." Lee said.

"Why?" I asked. "They're just people."

"Because Coach told us not too and we have to compete against them. If you make friends you might not play hard on them."

"You are being absolutely ridiculous about this. I'm going for a walk." I grabbed my pretzels and left the room.

I heard Carter tell Lee. "Wow good job. Make her mad. You do realize we share a room with her right?"

I had no idea where to end this chapter at and I didn't want to make it too long so there's the ending.

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