Chapter 9

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Adams PoV

"Where is our concentration!" Coach started yelling. "We are losing 0-8. If we lose this we are one lose away from elimination. You may want to go home early but I sure as hell don't." Coach walked to the other side of the bench.

"My that was inspiring." Averman sarcastically said.

I rolled my eyes. What is it with Coach lately. He has been mean and working us way to hard.
He is always wearing suits now with his hair slicked back. He is not himself.

Third period was starting and I was at Center again. This time I got the puck I passed to Charlie. I started skating up the rink. I called for it and Charlie passed the puck to me.

I skated down and two Iceland guys were coming for me. I spun around them and speed toward the goal. I dodged another player and shot the puck. It went in!

I was skating around the goal cheering when I saw an Iceland guy come up and slam his stick against my wrist. Shit. Ouch that hurts.

My team came at the guy but the ref separated them and took the Iceland guy to the penalty box.

"Are you ok?" They asked.

I was not ok. I was in pain. But I couldn't tell them that otherwise I could get benched.

"I'm fine."

The nodded their heads and skated away. I took my glove off and looked at me wrist. It was a little blue but looked fine. But hurt like hell. I put my glove back on and skated to the bench.

"12-1." Coach said. We had finished the game and were in the locker room. "12-1. Do you know what comes in mind. PATHETIC."  

"What about you?" Jesse asked angrily.

"What about me Jesse?" Coach asked just as mad.

"Coach Stanton knew everything about us Hey were ready!" Julie answered.

"Yea and you spend all you time in fact convertibles talking to all those sponsor people." Luis added.

"Or hanging with the Iceland lady."Fulton suddenly blurted.

"Yea we saw you Saturday night. Hanging with the enemy huh coach." Dean said backing up Fulton.

"What?" We all mumbled.

How could he do this? What so up with him?
We started to take off our jerseys when he stopped us.

"Leave your gear on. We have practice."

"Tonight?" Goldberg asked.


It was currently 11 o'clock and our game ended at 6. We had a five hour practice afterward which consisted of sprints and laps and more sprints and a little shooting.

We all got off the bus and trudged up into the hotel and to our rooms. I collapsed on my bed and feel asleep.
My alarm was going off. Time for school. I grunted. I rolled over and turned it off. Charlie, Guy, and Averman all groaned and woke up.

We all started to get ready without a word. We all went to our school room and tried to stay awake.

I fell asleep along with almost everyone else.

"Hey. Hey! Class!" Ms McKay yelled.

I jumped, waking up.

"What is with you all? Why are you so tired?" She asked us all but Averman answered.

"Captain blood kept us for a five hour practice after the games yesterday."

What I learned // Adam Banks TMDWhere stories live. Discover now