Chapter 7

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"Finally." I said when Connie opened her door.

I had been knocking for probably five minutes. I walked straight in and started pacing.

"Come in?" She closes the door and sits down on her bed. "Are you ok?" She asks.

"Yes and no."

"Explain please."

"Where's Julie?" Mine as well tell both of them at the same time.

"In the shower. She'll be back shortly."

As if on cue Julie walked through the door.

"Oh hey Sky. What are you doing here?" She walks in and puts away her bathroom supplies.

"I need help."

"With what?" Connie asked sitting up straighter.

"Adam asked me out and I said yes." I said rushing.

Yayyy!" They squealed simultaneously.

They stopped shortly after seeing that my face was in confusion.

"What's the problem? Isn't that a good thing." Julie asked.

"You do like him right?" Connie asked.

"It is a good thing. And I d, a lot but." I stop.

"But what?"

"I don't know. I think I'm getting myself worked up over nothing. It is my first date after all."

Yes it is my first date. I haven't really been into the whole dating thing. Plus all the guys at my school are gross.

"When is the date?" Julie asked.

"Tonight at 7."

"What?" They shouted jumping up.

"That's in 2 hours!" Connie yelled.

"I know. Why do you think I'm here."

"Come on." Julie said taking my arm and dragging me out of their room with Connie right behind me.

I already knew where we going. And luckily Carter and Lee were not in the room. They said they were going to go swim in the hotels pool and that's when I went over to Connie and Julie's.

I unlocked my door and they immediately started looking through my draws. In about 10 minutes they found a cute outfit. I am mentally thanking my mom for making me pack some nice cute clothes for interviews. Even though we have to wear our team USA suits.

The outfit they chose was simple. Nice high waisted black jean shorts and a long sleeve shirt that had airy arms and that little cut in the shoulder where it's like a tank top and then the hole and then the sleeves, it was an ocean blue. And I of course wore my grey high top converse.

Julie and Connie could not stop smiling as they did my hair. They lightly curled it since my hair is already wavy. And then they applied light makeup.

Soon it was 7. Julie and Connie were still in my room when there was a knock on the door. I opened it and Adam was standing there in some nice khaki shorts and a dark blue polo shirt. He was also holding a couple daisies.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi." He replied. He handed me the flowers. "You look really pretty."

"Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself."

Connie cleared her throat causing Adam and I to look back at her.

"Oh hey Connie. Julie." He said sheepishly.


They got up from my bed and walked toward the door, where we are standing.

"Have fun you too." Julie said.

"Just not too much fun." Connie added with a grin making me smack her arm and Adam to turn bright red.

"Bye connie."

She twinkled her fingers and her and Julie walked out my door.

"You ready to go?" Adam asked.


I walked out my door and shut it. Adam took my hand and we walked to the elevator.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"To this little cafe down the street. We pass it on the way to practice and it looks cozy." He explained.

The elevator had hit the first floor and we walked out hand in hand. We made small talk as we walked to the cafe. When we got there we sat in a small booth. I ordered a salad and a water while he ordered a chicken sandwich and a water.

"So when did you get into hockey?" Adam asked.

"When I was 6. Lee and I joined together since we wanted to do a sport together. And hockey was the only interesting one. How about you? When did you get into it?"

"I was skating before I could walk. At least that's what my dad tells me. I joined an actual peewee team when I was four though since that's the age you had to be." He explained. "I love hockey a lot."

"Me too." I agreed.

We sat in a comfortable silence and finished our food. We stayed in the booth for a little while longer talking about the most random stuff. 

Alas, we had to leave. It was getting late. Adam paid for our food on my protest but I did try that hard.

We walked back to the hotels hand in hand again. We rode the elevator and we stopped at my door.

"I had a great time tonight. Let's do it agin?" I said smiling. Please say you'll like to do this again. Please.

"I'd love to do this again." Yes! I mentally celebrated in my head. "I like you, a lot." He added grinning.

"I like you a lot too."

He leaned in and closed the gap between us. Oh my god this is amazing. I can literally feel the electricity between us.

We broke apart, both of us smiling.

"See you tomorrow."

"Bye." He walked down the hallway and I entered my room.

I slid down the door forgetting Carter and Lee are in the room. I'm just so happy and relieved. I'm tired though from worrying for nothing earlier.

"Are you ok Sky?" Lee asked standing over me.

"Oh yea I'm fine." I quickly stand up.

"Why are you dressed so nice?"

"Uh. I was on a date with Adam." I said slowly.

Even though he apologized to me I don't know where he stands with Adam and the rest of team USA.

"Yes! My ship is sailing." Carter said from his bed.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Connie and Julie came back after you two left and before Lee came back up. And we talked about you two and we completely ship you guys. We were thinking about either Sadam, Ady or Skam." Carter explained.

"That's nice."

Lee still hadn't said anything though.


"I'm happy for you but if he hurts you I'll have to kick his ass."

Carter and I laughed. "Ok. You should meet them sometime. Please it would mean a lot to me." I said.

"Yea Sky And is re going to their game tomorrow, you should come with."

"Alright. But let's go to bed."

We all agreed and got ready for bed. I laid in bed and fell asleep and dreamed about Adam and we would become. 

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