Chapter 6

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(So for this scene, I am writing the song lyrics in English translation, but my character is singing in Korean and the rest of the people have no idea what she is saying only the very bit of English the song has. The only Korean part I will spell is Dan Hana which is just only you in Korean.Go on to the story!)

Anger. Anger and embarrassment is what I feel when I walked into the room Nerumi booked for the party.Everyone was not dressed up nicely. They just all had regular clothes (Shota his hero uniform) except for me and Midnight. She wore a sexy top where you could almost see her boobs and tight black pants. While I wore a black off the shoulder shirt and tight blue pair of pants. "Ah! Don't you look beautiful! Just seeing you embrace your womanhood turns me on a bit!" Nerumi says. "You lied is what you did." I say angrily at her. "Now Now Suki dear. You don't want to start a fight here love." she says. Nerumi and I's fighting somehow always results in one of us ripping each other's clothes. Not on purpose it just happens and if I rip one of Nerumi's clothes her quirk activates and everyone is asleep. I just glare at her as I sit next to Mic with Shota right across the opposite side. "WOW! Looking good Suki." Yamada says. "Shut up." I mumble embarrassed grabbing my hair. "Alright , now that the main guest has arrived. What would everyone like to drink?" Nerumi asks as she passes the drink menu around.

As everyone got their drinks (Ectoplasm: Jin, Vlad: Whiskey, Shota and Mic: Beer, Midnight: Cosmopolitan Cocktail, Suki: Long island iced tea) Mic wanted to "pump" up the party with his music and singing skills, but we all disapprove and Nerumi went first. She sung Don't Cha by the pussycat dolls with some of her English. It had Mic, Vlad and Ectoplasm blushing at the end of the song.  Then it was Ectoplasm's turn. "I do love karaoke, but to have Enchantress in the room makes me a little shy." he says. "Don't be, just sing your heart out and let the music take you." I say with a smile as he sings Garasu No Namida by Sincrea. We all clap once the song is over. "Your really good!" I tell him as Ectoplasm scratches his head "Thank you." We then start a conversation on the students and how he got to U.A high. Vlad joined in from time to time when it was about his students. after about 3 rounds of drinks I was starting to feel tipsy. Mic was in control of the music and started singing weird songs. (I can't think of any weird songs for him to sing so you guys can pick one. :D) Which gave Nerumi time to pull me out of the room to talk to me. She had to lead though since I was swaying and giggling a bit from the 3 drinks I had. We had gone to the bathroom and after we found a couch nearby and sat down.

"Soo.." She starts with a smirk. "Soo what?" I say with a smile. "Aizawa hasn't stopped looking at you! Have you not noticed!!" she says shaking my arm as if we were high school girls again. "Not really ..I Have kind of ignored him." I say brushing out my hair. "Stop worrying! This could be a sign." she says finishing the rest of her drink. "Sigh..I just don't want my hopes up too much. Plus I've got other things to worry about." I say. "Have you thought of my offer more then?" She asks. "Sigh..I just might have to find a side job soon or I talk with the agency about giving me mission's again." I say. "Taking my offer won't be bad Suki. I wouldn't let you pay for much living with me." say says. "I know that, but mom still thinks a guy will just magical appear and marry me off. Sigh...I just wish she would be more realistic." I say downing my drink. "Maybe it will happen , but what are you gonna do once you have another job? What would it solve?" she asks. "I'm not this point, I'm getting to drunk to think." I say with a chuckle. "I just want my doubts to disappear. To live with no fear and maybe to have someone in my life." I say. "I wish it were that easy to get married." "I mean, it would if you just told Ai-" I covered Nerumi's mouth and looked around everywhere in case someone over heard.

"I will not ask him to pretend to be what? My husband! Just so I could live out on my own? What will it gain me?" I say. "Ummm your freedom that it seems you want." Nerumi says. "What about-I can't just..." I start to say, but the word wouldn't come out. "You said so yourself its getting worst. Do you think she will follow you and leave that man?" Nerumi asks. I didn't say anything after that. Nerumi knew what was happening behind closed doors, but Shota and Mic? They have no clue, if they did they probably would of all teamed up and gotten me out of the house before I left two years ago, but I couldn't do that. suddenly, we heard footsteps coming our way and looked up to see Shota. "Mic is finally done, so your up next." "What! But you haven't even singed yet Aizawa!" Nerumi says with a frown. "I don't sing." Shota says putting his hands in his pockets and walking away.

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